£o$ A eveiation ofthe Apocalypfe. CA P.17. her,and thofe arefive, which are the five degrees of her punifhment; Hatred, forfaking, nakedneffe eating up , burning. As touching hatred , have they not great caufe to curfe and to fpit out upon this Poyfoning, and inchantingCirce, which bath bewitched and befotted the Kings of the earth, with her Cup of Fornicatior. 'Which is theButchery ofthe Saints,the only ffrong hold that keeps theTarrks fafe, that is So io r it felf, and I ypt, and the City Which Crucified Chrift our Lord, of all which crimes this Book of the Revelation bathconvinced her to be guilty, and for which it harp condemned her as guilty moff manifeftly ? Then they Thall make her defolate and naked, partly by revolting from her, partly by miniftring no aid unto her againft the affaults of her enemies. They fhall eat herflefh, by cutting away her roll money and poll- ages ; as alto by taking order that her Romifh Martings and cha- ferings may have no more place in their dominions ; perhaps alío by taking again into their hand Flanrina. The Picene demesne,, and that Lordship of Siena, called commonly Peters Patrimony, with the reft of the Dominions in Italy, belonging to the Empire, which the Beaft wiped the Emperours oflong fince, through craft and fubtilty. The Venetians were left free in the divifionof the Empire, and that by the content ofboth the Emperours, being now accounted tobelong to neither oftheir jurifdiftion. They ofBanonia, Florence, Gere a, Luca ; and force other people have redeemed their libertywithmoney. But by what right doth Rome challengeher Territories ? What, did the Emperours give it them ? Iufl= fo as Conflantine the Great gave his Palace the City of Rome, and all the Province,, places, and cities ofItaly, or of theWe- ll-erne countries to RtJhopSilveler,and to his fucceffors. But admit that Pipin and Charles gave them all this ; they gave it when they knew not what they did they thought they did it to advance Chriftian Religion, andfor the behoof of the Church, but feeing that it is now found out by too true and lamentable experience,that there was never any thing, that hash more redounded to the undo- ingof the Church, and the overthrow ofpietii; then this bounty- of theirs, why fhould nor theEmperotats,ta1 etheir own again, and takeaway from the Whore, the Earnings and wages ofher whore- dom ? The Princes have no need to be taught what they may do rightfully, fo they would once open their eyes to take notice of the Wears, tobe fiieh a fiithhy Strumpet as filet is indeed, And- who teeth