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CAP .17. A velationof the Appo lypie. d09 feeth not, that there kinds ofpunifhmentshave been begun to be laid upon the Whore,from the time ofCharles theffr,whom I fuppofe to be the fiat oftilde ten laterwroft Harries, chiefly from that moment, whereitf4e wasvanquifhedby the Lambe, with the armies of the Proteftants ? God would have Rome to be taker,and miferably !poi- led byhim, Berbonisubeinghis chiefagent therein, though this was done afewyeeres before that, and that is as if he would have that fpoilingofRome, to be a taft and pawn of thofe things, which the fhould fuffer at laft at the hands of ofthe tenHornet, ofwhich ranke he was the formoft, and the Leader. Ferdinandand Maximilian the Emperours, with Rodolphus, who fwayeth the Emperiall Scepterat thisday, have for certain left 'Iost forfaken and naked, if they have not dealt more hardly and roughly withher. Have they takenup weapons in her defence ? Have they not faffered their fubjects freely to refufe the Rómifb fuperifirie r, and to profeffe trueReligion ? But there fhall nowcome fome Em- perours next to thefe, who(hall eather fleJh,that is,who will not only fuller her, to lie naked, and forfaken, but (hall provoke her alfo to indignation, by offering her violence, neither fhalt they ferve her turne any longer, andwork for her advantage within their domini- ons, but they fhall think it to be homage enough if their fubjects will pay tribute to their lawful! Princes, yea, they will perhaps pick a quarrel! withher, by taking from her again into their own hands, thofe things which I have fpoken of right now. And there (hall oùecorne up at length, who fllall harm her up-withfire", feeingthe cannot be purged withanyother Nitre; and this day, makes haft now apace,as we may learnby thofe things that have been laid before,but we fhall have a newer terme thereof fet down in the Chapter foi- lowing. Vert'. 17. For Cadbathput into their `hearts. Now he pointeth at the Fountain, both whence it fhould be,that theErnperours should be obedient to theBeall, andhow it fhould come to paffe, that they fhould change theirminde at laft ? Both thefe things proceed from him, in Wlofe hands, the hearts ofKiiigs are. He blindeth thofe whom . he will, and imtparteth the light ofhis Truth to others,, whomhe (hall have mercy upon. But that the Elea mightbe more confirmed', touching this judgement ofGod that (hall be, he fetteth before us the remembrance ofhis judgement, in the rime that is paft, which may feem robe a matter aimed incredible,, faying, Godbath putie into their hearts, togive their Kingdom to lie Bea f , tillthe words-or God