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6io 4 Tevelatron ofthe Ápocalypfe. CAP.17.. God jball be fulfilled ; as if he fhould fay : As certain proofas you have had ofthat contentingofthe Emperours to obey the Beaft in times paft,fo certainly be you perfwaded,that this alienation oftheir affefttons from him, and that !aft defolationof the Whore ¡hall be, which], have fpekenof; One and the fame Almighty god is the Au- thor ofboth thefe. And let us not take it impatiently, ifhe feem to defer his judgement long, thewifdom of God hath appointed the time and terme, which to accufe of too great flackues,were the part ofa man that is too tufty in his deliires, and too importunate is his wifhes. For(faithhe) they (hall continue in their joynt honouring, and fhal notcome to their joynt hammering of the Beaffandfiring of theWhore, till the Words ofGod be fulfilled, that is, till his decreed and purpofed deftruftionofthe VVhore fhall be accomplifhed, which he bath foretoldus in his word,that it (hall be. Whereby the time of the fifth Viall is fignified, at the pouring out whereof, all thefe things touching the VVhore fhall be fìnifhed and fully brought to execution ; which time fhall fhor.tly come abont,feeingour age hath come to the powringout of thefourthYial,,_ as we have (hewed in the former Chapter. Verf. 18. e"Indthe Woman vvhieh thou faWeft. So much of the interpretation of her dominion. Now hecometh to interpret her Palace; Which letting go all circum1tancs,o.fwords, doth teach us molt plainly, that this Woman is the great City Which raigneth over the Kings ofthe earth. This City then isnot, the vniverfali com- pany of the wicked, whofe domineringover Kings, is not more no- tably feen,then over the reft oft he multitude of the people,but it ù a trae City, that is famous for the Empire that is feated there, over the Chief Commanders among mortali men ; and fo much the ra- eher, becaufe thefe words are let in the room of an interpretation,,; and the Holy Ghoft is not wont to give.aninterpretation,that is more obfcure then the things that are to be interpreted. Wherefore it is a City properly focalled, and agreat one indeed,, as being the Empreffe over the other Princes, and fuch a kinde of. Mother City, there can be no other in 'the Chriftian world but Rome, that is, the abridgement èfthe habitable, World, the ,9,ren of Nations theLady andMiftrefeofKings, in armes and warres, now in fuperfiitíon chief, towhom even in this extreme old age of hers, while like the fnufhe ofa Candle, makinga noife in the focket, when as her,old livelyhood anddemeanes are much diminifhed; yet the Emperetar., theKing ofSpaine,France,Poland, and many other Princes.