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C A P; 17. of the Ap'ecalypfe. 6 ri Princes of a lower ranke, do to this day ackowledge and give ho- mage and fealty unto her. This Whore therefore can lye hid no longer, (he is foundout at Taft, (lie hath a fuite commenced against her, the holds upher hand at the Sarre,her caufe is tryed, and {he is found guilty, and condemned to be burnt up with fire. l have here delivered you the Copies of the publike records under Seal , and there is nothing elfe remaining to be done, but that the fuffer her fi- nall and difmall punifhment, that is awarded againffher, which is to be put over into their hands,to fee it executed, for whom .God hath referv"ed the glory, ofperforming fo excellent a peece offervice, as is the executing ofthegreat More of Rome. And fo now at length we have feen the expreffe portraiture ofthe whoreand ofAntichri,{t; it remaineth, that we íhould examine in as fewwords as may be, what the `Popes Prottures and Sergeants at LaW teach and maintain concerning thefe matters, and that chieflyfor this reafon,becaufe that when this caufe and controverfie touchingAntichrift,is once thorow- ly canvafed and fitted, it will be an eafie matter to judge of all the reft ; For if the Pope of Reme be Antichrist, what need (hall we have to contend any longer about the Church ofRome, andabout the(even Sacraments therof;to make any more difpute touching free- 1 ill, Ittilification,Qood Warhes, or about any other point of doétrine that is controverfed between the Papifts and us ? It is well enough agreed upon among all men, that the `Doctrine of Antiohri"ft, is to be fufpefed, avoided and curfed toHell. And therefore my brethren ftrikeat this root, and let the dint ofyour axes be driven into andup- on it withal! the power you have. This controverfie well decided will be enough for us, to cleere all the reft. All the boughes and branches (hall be over- thrown together with the tree it felt, and fo you (hall fpare and fave a great deal of your time and labour, and in this re- gard I will not thinkmuch ofmy labour, to make a little digreflïon From the interpreting of this book, to anfiver and confute all that the Adverfaries can fay about this matter. ..,..®. ..a . The