611 Againfi Bellarmine) C A P,t. The confuting that counterfeit ANTICHRIST Whom B E L L A R M i N E defcribeth,and labou- reth toproveby arguments with all his might Book 3. Touching the Pope of Rome. CHAP. I. Touching the common name ofAntichrifl. Lthou;i it cannot be a matter doubtedof(asIfuppofe)by any mere that Will With [Itch a mina'eue def'reth to knoW the truth, marke diligently What bath been Written upon the Revelation hitherto, but thatthe Pope of Rome is both that principali , and from What time hebath appeared fo, yet left that the noift, vvith Which the J opifh Writers endeavour to overWhelme the truth , Jhould dazell and blear the eyes of any man, I have thought it to be a matter Worth my labour, before I to forvvard to interpretthe reft ofthis Book, tofeutter all this mi/t oftheirs, and to make the aire fo clear, that the Sun may henceforth fine upon every one Withhis bright anduleerebeames. À eí 4 a EL r. A A MINE divideth all this O el}ion into rasarii nine heads, the frrft whereof is touching the name of Antichrift, the fecond, vvhether Antichrift be onefin- 4a.1.10. gular man, or a kinde of men. The third, touching w o ctc the time of his coming, and of hiedeath. The fourth, 41 `: about his proper name. The fifth,out ofvvhat Nation he Jhall bee born , and by vvhom bee is to be received. The fìxth, WhereheJonldpitch bis place of habitation. The fevedth, touching his DoClrine and Manners. the eighth, about his Miracles. the ninth, touching his Kingdom andwars :Touching every one ofwhich points, what ought tobe held, and howgroffely the curfed Popüh Poaors are deceived in eachof thefe, it may man.ifeftiy appear to ever]