C A:P. 1. touching Antichrift. 6.1 every one, out ofthofe things, which the Angel hatli taught us in the former Chapter, touching thicondemning of the Whore. For if Anti civil!, be come,and have pitched the placeofhis Sea at Reme,and that as foon as ever the Empire was taken away from the Heathen em- perors ; then it.cannot be doubted,but th . e.4ntichrift is by his com- mon dame Lobe called, a clofe adverfarie,but that he it a Wickedkin,- dome, not a (jugular mar, but that the time of his coming is part, and not to cone, but that his proper name is Lateinós Lateinus, but that he is not to be born ofthe Iehves,neither is to raign elfewhere,fave at Rome,but that his dot`frine is Catholike and Chrittianonly in name: and laftfy, but that his miracles, kingdome and battels are no other, then fuch as we have had experience offor many ages. Now An- tichrift came at that time whichwe have fpoken of. For the Ansel bath taught us, that Anrichrift is the Beeft, Which Was, and is not, and lkas to rile ùp out ofthedeep, and is to go into deft rueiion, Chap. a 7. 8: av And we have (heed that the Pope of Rome bath undergon the three former of thefe four notable changes of his eftate longhnce,and that he began his firff eftate from the time that the HeathenEmperors ccafcd to raigne, and that he is now giving the world molt certain arguments of his fourth change. Secondly, Antichrift is the feventh headof the 73e,aft, which fua- c,edcd next to the Heathen Emperors, who made the fîxth,which was then extant when John wrote this Book, Chap. 17. a o, I . As fooia therefore as there gave place, bee came forth, who had the honour given him to be the next head. _ Thirdly, the tenHorne, who are fomany abfolute Kings and Em- perors, had the rule of all the world, after that the ftxth head fell, that is, after the Heathen Emperors were expulfed. For the Beaft never wanted his crowns, after he began ñrft to raign, Chap. 23. 3. And there CroWns have no place elfewhere, fave in his heads and Horns. So that it mutt needs be,that as foon as they were taken away from thofe,they mutt be translated to there. But fecing the feventh head, that is, Antichrift, received his power at the fame time with the ten Horn.r, it followeth that he began to fubfïii at that time,when the Heathen tyrants ofRome ceafed to raign. Fourthly, the woman fled into the Wildernefli=, when once the `Dragon was cart out of Heaven,that iç,when the Emperors were put down,as we have fuffìciently declared, Chap.. & al. & a z. Now what was there for her to he more horribly afraid of,and toflie from, then Antichrii ? She therefore getting her felf into the W ilderneffe I i i i at