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"4 Again1f fellarmfnt CAP. a. at his ariftng,, fheweth.plainly, that Antichrifttr comingfalls into the fame time when theHeathen Emperors were caft out. Fifth!y,the CityofRome hath relyed and gloried molt ofand up- on the Tuition and Patronage of the Pope, ever fince the Heathen Emperors were driven out. Now this City íhould be both the Whore and the Seat of ftntichri/t during that time, the fhould be caried by the Beaf, and herdignity fhould'Line forthprincipally. Sixthly, wee adde to thefe, the content of the whole Prophecie, which agreeth excellently with it felf by this manner ofexpounding it both in the whole, andin every one of theparts thereof, which yet otherwifefetteth before us a kindeofconfuted matter,whencethere can beno winding out, having the member thereof, as it were,torne and plucked afunder. Lathy, even the PopifhDo&ors themfelves do acknowledge ere they be aware, that Antichrift bath fetched his originall from this beginning : For while they boafi of Confantines donationofRome, and that all the weft was fiibjea to the Bifhop of Rome, they thew, ftifficiently by their own confeffion, about what time this adverfary ofChrif} came into the world. NowWas poyfonfcatteredandfown irr the C'hnrch, as the voyce (poke from Heaven,by the record of:.Ptati na, in the life of Silvefier. Now,if any man (hall object, that therewere force godly Bifhopr and Popes,or at leaft tolerable ones from this time :l anfwer, that An- tichrift is not particularmen,but a certain kingdomand fuccellion out.. of whichGod 'can exempt force at his plealiire,onwhom to fhew the riches ofhis infinite mercy. By all thefe thingshave been handled and explainedmore largely by us, when we interpreted the words ofthe Apof'ele. Now onlyI thought it good tomake a brief fumme ofmatters, that thofe things which have been fpoken totteringly, being fet under one view, might (hew unto us the morecleerly, howall the Popi(h,and Jefuitifh tubtilties, are, as it were, let on fire, . and come to nothing, the words oftheApoftle alone, as if they had been firedwith lightening fromHeaven.. Tlaefe therefore are com- mon arguments, and to be applied to every one oftheheads ofthe. Difputation-following, whick we thought good to advertifethee of, good Reader,that fo thou maift fetch them from hence,rather then we. fhould inculcate them often in every queftion.Wewill bring in thofe things which areproper to each placc,asoccafion (hall require: Now therefore let us come tohand-blows with Bellarmine, and let us not= Mie from any of his venics and aüáults, that hemay therby the better perceive