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6r6 Ágainf Dellamnnre, In the proposition you fet down a true andproper Vicar, filch as in- deed Antichrifit cannot be,who,though he be a dole enemy, yet he is adeadly one, as the Scriptures defcribe himby the trùenames ofat- Adverfary, of the ma of Sintfe, of the Angellof the bottomele(fe Pit, and of the Beaft. ,Afterthat in your affiimptior., you do not fpeak ofa kindly, and lawfiiill one,but of one that is filch through his own deteftäbleambi- tion, facrilegious ufùrping,and falfeboafl:ing. Out ofwhich nothing elfe can be at laft concluded, but that the Pope is not Antichrift by his own conffion, which I eafily grant you. For the queftionbe- tweenus is not I trow,what name Antichrift will call himfell by,büt what name he is worthy of, and what name the Scriptures 'give him, It is not tobe looked for,that he will bewrayhimfelfe, and willcon- `feffe ingenuoufly that he is the man of Sinne, the Sonne of perdition, 'the Angel of the bottómleffe ¡'it, the 73eaft, and fuch things as his other names ofthis kinde defcribe him to be;which thing ifhe fhoúld do, he'could not fo fitlyplay the part oftheMe Prophet. You have therefore defended your Tope worthily, when as you have gone about toprove that he is not Antichrift by his own teflimony. Se- condly, I anfwer, that that which von affirmof the Lignification Of anti,in compofition,is falfe (although it make little toyour purpof') which of the two fignifications it have, whether of oppofition, orfub- ordination, and this I will make plzin by examples. Antimiffhotor, fignifieth One that is hired inthe room ofanother. Añtibaflens, is as Much as the Latin word, Prorex, or one that is the Kings Vice-ge- rent,or Vice -Roy. Antiflrategos, fignifieth him that is the emperors or GovernourS. Vicegerent or Lievtenant as Henry. Stephen in his `Treafur-y oftheGreek tongue path obferved ; namely, that it is as much as the word Hypefirategos inAppians Anabaickj,that fignifieth as much as fub-pretors, orpro pretor, in Latin ; and fo doth Eudeùs 'teach out of Demofthenes, in the Greek word put for Proconful, in all which words Anti fighifieth fubordiriation. But, you fay, that Hypoftrategas, is one that it an equal/ to theCäp_ tain, andthat The LatinWords pro-pretor, and Proconfitl; fignifiè not the Vicar, or Vicegerent ofthePrxtor, or Conful in a City, and that '.thereforeMufculus Was herein deceived, Whobecáufe heread that Anti- ltragetus fignifietha- Pro pretor, thoti ht it. didfignifae the Vicar ofbin% 'Which sc Pretor, Which is ál e I anfwer,that he-firft nfuli that were ordained,were fuch as ti<exercife a-Vicegerents authority, as L. Fenefiela witneffeth, writing.