61S Againfl 13ellarmine, C A r.1, . name ofGodnwhich felf-fame thing is clear out of theword that foi- loweth,or which is Worffipped. For if the word (God)be taken proper- ly there,how is that joyned next after,which is late then it?In dittri- butions, that which is the leffe is wont tobe let before; as for exam- ple, a man fpeaketh not well, that faith thus, Who is extolled above every King, or every frebieEEt, but contrarily he that faith thus; who id extolled above every fubie t , or King. But now the word God being taken figuratively, the fentence is amplified elegantly, thus, who is extolled above all Magifrats, and not onely thole that be of the inferiour fort, but alto above all that Majeftie that is Sove- raign amongft men, the higheft Emperours themfelves, who are cal- led Augufti in Latin,as they be Sebafizo in Greek, of the high reve- rence and worfhip which is due to them. L;ftly, as touching the true God, how fhould Antichrift fit in the Temple ofGod, if he Ihould acknowledge no other God but him- felf ? as the Apoftle faith he fhould fit, z Theft 2.4. He would de- molifh all their Temples certainly, whole names he cannot endure, much leffe their worfhip and honour. Neither fhould he be his crafts matter, ifhe fhould boat}ofhimfelf to be fuperiour to the trueGod in Heaven,but the moft doting, and frantick fellow that ever was, and that in all mens judgement. Wherefore the Apofileteacheth in there words, that Antichriii fhould exercife infolencie againft the Civili Magiftrate, whomhe fhould trample under his feet,even as your Pope of Rome hathmade it to prove true by too many moti wofyll fa&s of his; but this ufur- pingoffupream preheminence,above all earthly powers,brings in no necef sty ofwaging open war against Chrift, but it may very well Rand together with the counterfait humility of a Vicar. A fccond place is taken out of i John2.22. Where it is faid, that he is called eAntishrift, who denyeth Km to be Christ; That is, fay you, Who denjeth lefua Chris' I,fo as he boafteth ofhimfelf, as ifhe 1Vere Chrift. I anfwer, that this is a Jefuiticall interpretation, that is altogether contrary to the minde of the Holy Apoftle. You will have this deniall ofChrift to be open, manifeft, impn- dent; the Apoftle feemeth tofay no fuch matter, but all things that be contrary rather. For it is the denyall of filch men, who crept in lately, and clofely, of whom the faithfull did fcarce fufpe& any fuch thing, but they hadneede to be admonifhed, that many Anti - cbrilhr Were alremdy come, verf. 13. h was the den ;all of feet men, tt *cot owfromm, bort Were not ofus, verf. 19. That is, of the Chri- ftian