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C A P. I. touchingAntichrifL. 619= ftian profeflion, fuch as wereCerinthua, Ebion, and thofe that were of that frampe,.who retaining the name of Chrift, could not deny it openly,but onely in fecret, clofely, and craftily : laftly it was the denial! offuchan Antichrift, as (lwuld deny the Farber, andthe Son, as it is verf.22. But he should not deny the Father openly,feeing that by this reaneshe shouldbe openly known to be an Atheitl, which is contrary to that which the Apottle teacheth, who faith; that he fhouldfir in the Temple of god: Therefore feeing the Apof !e fpea- keth of a crafty denial! ofChrift, but you would tlretch and ten- ter it to be a denyall, that all men might behold and take notice of; you 11ía11 get nothing by alledging this Scripture, onely you (hall approve unto usyour egregious cunning in concluding any thing out ofany thing. A thirdplace is taken out ofMatth. 5. For many (hall come in my name, fayinn,.? am Chrifl; and againe, ver. 24. There (hall arife falfe Chrífis; out ofwhichyou gather, that .rintichrift jhallaffirnze that he himfelfe u Chrifl, Which is, fay you, the part andprank.e not of Chrifts Vicar, but ofone thatBoth imitate Chrifl, andftriveth to be e-. quail With Chrifi in excellency. I anfwer, that this word Vicar is full of matter todeceive with, as whit h corrupteth fo many places and, arguments taken thence with his ambiguity. For here he dallieth with us,as before with the diverfe acceptionof his name; but befrdes,whv do you not marke that he faith, that many fal come in the nameof Chrifi,and thatfalfChrifis are tobe raifedup? OurLord doth tot fpeak ofone fingular man, but (heweth that there were many that (Mould arrogate this name (C'hrifi) unto theinfelves. Therefore if thefe things be fpoken of the true ./lntichri/i, certainly he (hall be no fingular man. This place brings you a dammage in Read ofthe gaine which you hoped for. Our Saviour pointethat the Antichrifs of the Jewes,efpecially thofe whafe imuudencie howfo- ever it mightbe greater; yet the mifchiefe they thould do, (moult( be left , then that which the-chiefefl and greatefl Antiehrift (hould bring into the World. But we (hall have occafion offered us after- wards, to interpret this place..Meanewhile youmay fee, that thefe Scriptures do nothingat all !make to prove that which you intend. Your third Argument is taken, out of all the eAruthors Who have Written of Antiehrifi,andout of the content ofall Chriftianr; in name ofal Whore tef iruonies,youcite Damafceneand Ierotnamong the ancient Writers, andHenry Stephen among. ourWriters. I will anfwer your Teltimonies,,by oppofrng againft them one of the ancient writers, that