C A. Gro Again ft . i that is, that S. Ephrem, (whom Ierome extòlleth and cominendeth for his loftywit) that fo you may be kept from bragging any more fo lavifhly of all Authors. For thus he 1peakerh in his Sermon tou- ching Antithrift; Thatfilthy theéfefhall come än ibis hàbitc; For that he may deceive all men, being falfe in deed and Word, he fhsill faine hinsfelfe to be humble, gentle ", one that abhorreth xntuftice, one that flyer!)from Idolls, and that mah. sfheW of piety, one that is bountifull, poorc,ftudioxs, a öoodly amiablefclloW beyond all admiration, gentle, foft,ofpleafant carrioue toads i llmen. Thefe things faith he;where is then that open'wdr that' this notable Cheater (hall make? Where fnall we finde that manifeft pride; wherebythis notorious counter- feiter ofhumility,. fhall lift himfelf up above all that is called God ? How lhall we finde that manifeff Tyranny in this fellow that is fo juft, godly, poorc, and courteous in Phew towards all men ? If I would fearch into'the judgements of the refs, 1 doubt nor, but I should make your tótall rum ofall Aúthors, come lhort a good deal; As touching H.Stephen, he doth fo acknoWledge.the true meaning of this word, that he judgeth thofe men worthy to be called by the name of .intichri.ff,. Who doprofeffe the nameof Chri.fti.ans, and yet are the enemies of(brill- indeed, While.ff they do adulterate his clo- th-Inc withfundry inventions of their oWn. For though they boas of Chri.ft With their mouths, yet they deface to have him oaerthroWn in their hearts; and tholemen efpecially, Who do invade his Kingly Seate With their Wicked boldneffe,as alto they Who elo derogate from h s divine nature. There things fpeakes he, whereof there is none, that doth not agree very excellently to the Tope of Rome. Out of all there manners thus difputed, you gather now at 1aPr this firft argument againfl us that beyour adverfaries, and that the whole fum might not differ from theparts thereof, you conclude with the fame moL fweet equivocation, wherewithyou have embel'ifhed all that hath beene Paid yet, and that'inthis matter. 1-be name of Antichrift ligni- fieth an enemy, andcorrivall With Chrift; but theTope of Rome ac- k.noWledgeth himfelfe to be Chriftsfervant, and to be frsbiett unto him in all things. Therefore he it not Antic-brill. That is, by his own con-. feffion,which thing he doth acknowledge, let him be accurfed with Bell, 'Book, and candle. For you might better confirme this moil certaineconclulon with an Anathema in the end ofit, then the Fa- thers in the Ceeincel ofTrent could back their curled Canons. But I pray you underf}and(O cllarmine) that it is an intollcrable trifling in a°feriours matter, tomake a perpetuall xquivocation. The