C P. 2.; touching Antichrifi. 621 CHAP. II. That iswot tome certain mos that is to'come. *'7'gie fecond point in controver6r, is , whether Anrichrift fo calla j1 properly be one certain man, or afznlular Throneand tyrn'icalt Kingdom. All the Papiffs hold that he fhall be force one man. But thofe common arguments, which we have fet in the forefront of this difputation, do evince thecontrary ; For if Antichrift have raigned from about the three hundreth yeerof our Lord, even unto this day, as it hath beendernonftrated fufficiently, he is no fingular per- fon. Betides, if any man would eftimate thofe ftraights of time, that amplenefs of his Iurifdidion, the multitude of matters,thac arc to be done by him, together with the greatnefsof them, all which the Po- pith writers do fain that he flail do, hewill marvel' that men could fo dote, that they fhould think that all thefe things are to be found in one perfon. But betides, a part ofhis Kingdom lafteth for a thoufand yeerer, as we are taught afterwards, Chap. 20. 4, 5. Let us fee then with what kindeof reafons you confirme your opinion. You bring Scriptures andFathers to prove this point. Thofe are five, the firkk whereof is taken out of the Gofpel ofIohn, 5.43. I am come in the name ofmy Father, andye havenot receivedme, ifanotherJhall come in his oWn name, him ye Will receive. You fay, that there Words are to be underfloodofthe tr4e 1lntichrifl; and that both by the teflintany of certain Fathers, ae alfo by thepropriety ofthe Words themfelves. I anfwer , as touching the Fathers, I have no lift to examine their opi- nions. It were a tedious and fruitleffe matter to Bair, feeing all men who are not wilfully blinde,do confes that they have much erred fr6 the truth in the matter ofAntichrifl,through the darknefs ofthe times they lived in. Let us tread in the certain way of fearching out the truth, which is by the Scriptures, which neither can deceive,nor be deceived. What is then that forceof the words, which inforceth us to hold a fingular perfon to bee meant here ? This you,endeavonr toPhew four wayes ; firfi,6ecarsfe the Lordoppofeth another man to himfelfe, that is, one perfon against-1 another, as it is deereby those Words, I, ano- ther ,: in my name, i,i his oWnname ; me, him. Therefore , fay you, Cbr f a.1 Was onefìngsslarman, fo alfofhall Antichrift 6e. Kkkk I