6z2, Againf Dellarmáne; C A PA. I anf*er;the force of this argument lyeth in three oppofto words, another, in his name, him. The two lattermoft ofwhich depend upon the firft, for what refped that bath, the fame fhail thofe alto have, feeing they are all referredto the fame thing. But(another)here doth not lignifie a fingular perfon, as the Grammarians teach, whofe rule is this, that Eteros in Greeke, Alter inLatin, the other inEnglifh do lignifie one ofthe tWo, but the words Alles in Greeke, alias in Latin, another in English, lignifie one among many. Aznn eniu,s writing of likeand unlike words. Therefore it folioweth neceffarily out of this certain and true Rule, that here is not any one certainman underftood; neither is it the opinion ofthe Grammarians onely, but alfo the cuaomable man- ner offpeaking in Scriptures,confirmeth this, as toomit infiniteother Examples; There is one that foWeth, and another reapeth, Joh. 4. 37. What is there but one fower, and one reapermeant here ? Nay Christ addeth, I have rent you out to reape that, Wherein you laboured not; other men have laboured, andyiu have entred into tieir labours, verf. 38. So, to one isgiven the fpeech ofknowledge, to anotherfaith, to another thegift of healings, to another the power to Wortre miracles; to another Prophecy , &c. r Cor. 12. 8, g, t o. I trowyou will not fay that thefe gifts were proper to fingular men, but common to more then one.In the fame manner when St. Paul faith; if any other feeme to have confidence in thefiefs, Ime t ofall, Phil. 3.4. He loth not coma pare himfelfwith any fingular man, but with any one among many.' You provide exceeding ill for your caufe,who fetchproofs from ft ch places, whence it is cheifly overthrown. Secondly, you fay, that C'hris`I affirmes here, that Antichrif is to be receivedby the Iewes; now it is evident that the IeWes locke for onecer- taine andjngular man. I anfwer, that there is nothing at all found in this reafon. For neither is thatgreat Antichrif whom the Revelati- on fpeaketh of, and ofwhom we entreat, that Antichrifl whom the Jewes will receive, as it is plaine by thofe things that have beenPaid before, and as it (hall hemore plainly declared afterwards. Neither is the Antichriff of the Jewes one certain, and fingular man. For (as Chrift faith) many(ball come in my name, faying, I am Chrifi'. Where he fpeaketh cheifly fo thofewho that! arife among the Iewes, Math. $4. 5. As alfo the Iewifh Hiftory reporteth, that there have been more then one accounted for Chrift; who havechallenged the namç of theMesftah to themfelves facrilegioufly. . Now as touching the ex- petiationof theIewes at this day, this doth no more argue, thathe is a fingular