C A r .1. ,X evelatiora ofthe Apocalypfe 53 wickedneffe. But what (hall we fay to the Angels ofthefirft Church ? Langui. They were noleffe free from this corruption;This foule herefie was filing foone hiffed our, by means of that uglineffe, which it had of it felf. Ephefus. But afterwards we fhall fee that this doctrine of the Nicolaitans did not onlybring in a bodily filthineffe , but did tranfport men alfo to fpirituall fornication ,verf.I5. What, were the Angels without fault herein alto? The firft hundredyeers the church remained a chaff virgin ; in the ages next following thebegan to play thé wanton, de- her marriage bed fomewhat, partly, with untowardopinions, partlywith foolifh ceremonier,but very timoroufly and clofely at firil, withnothing the like impudency to that which together with Con iátine,& afterwards brake in.For this caufe therforeChrift borewith her a longtime,althoughhe law that herfirft love had waxed cold: 7. He that loath an Bare, &c. This is theacclamatory conclufion, common to all the Epifiles, whereby he teacheth,that all men ofwhat kinde foever they are ought to bend their minds inhearkning to thefe admonitions of theSpirit. They do properly indeed belong NI the Angels, but it doth molt highly concern us all, what kindof m'en they be. They doneither offend, nor do their duties for them- felves alone, but theircondition is joyned with the exceedinggreat good or ill oftheir whole flocke. But what do thefe things , done in a time fo long finepaft , belong to us ? The fame is the nature ofall Churches, and ofevery one in private , is the fame ; whence it muchconcerneth our good,that live in any age whatfoever, to take heed toour felves by their evills. And yet all men will not hearken and take warning, butthey only whofe ears the holy Ghofi openeth. For they are bidden to heare, that have eaves. And therefore it is not to be marvelled, if we íhall fee many to contemn thefe threat- nings, and to think thefe commendations and difp raifes to be vn- meet for , or hot to concern. them. But what is that that he would have to be heard, namely, thaw Whichfolloweth, as faith the Iefuit; To him that overcometh IWillgive to ente, &c. That is,the Spirit would have the Taft claufe tobe heardofall churches, or ofall the members ofany church; But all that that was before, the Bifhop fhould keepe privately to himfelf, furely a lharpwitted and faithful! Interpreter, what,were not the epiftles genrall by name written and fent to the Churches ?chap. I. r a. Was itnotmuch available for them to be in ftru&ed concerning the ftate oftheir Angels,& to underftand what theymight by right exact from them? The Epiftles indeed are by blame given to the Angell, net that they fhould keepe them dole like niyfteries