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A1n`evelttton ofthe Apocalypfe. C A r. r 1n uï_ 54 2a thing myfteries to themfIves ; but that by their míínifteriall paines they Ephalts. might make the Churchespartakers of them, as whom the Lord ufeth as his 1?mbafladOUrs to fpeak to his Spoufé by them. The which is yet moreclecre by the things that follow ; for that cannot agree to the Bifhopalone, which is written beneath : Behold itfï,all come to paffe, that theDevilß,all callforce ofyou intoprifon, &-c. verf. i o. Or that unto thole ofThyatira ; But Ifay untoyou, and to theref of Thy tire, verle Zq. That I may not fpeak any thingof this, that in fotne of the Epithet the exhortation toheare clofeth up the wholematter; as in that to thofe ofThyatira, verf. 29. To thofe ofSardi , chap. 3. 6. To themof `Philadelphia, chap. 3. i 3. To themofLaodicea, verf. 22. Whence it would follow, that if the Church be referved for the concluding acclamation, file muff open and flint her ears at once, for there folloíveth nothing to beheard. To him that overcometh IWill give to Bate, tic. The reward in e- very one of the Epiftles isfitted to the times , and it is one and the fame every where, 7efu Chriflalone. For what greater thingcan hegive to the elect ? Or» hat íhall we want, if we enjoy him ? lift according to the diverfeRate of the times , he is let before us after a fürdrymanner. In this firft church: he is a tree oflife in the midit ofthe Tar.táife ofGod, And why ? Becaufe that firft effare of the Spoufc, was altogether like to that firfk felecity of ,efldam in Para- (file, ofwhich this was indeed a certaine lively refemblance in thefe Taft dayes reftored again to the world , after our fo long banilhment from thence. For there was the fhadoWifl, tree oflife in the middfl ofthe Garden; Here ?efus Chrift born of a virgin converted with us in the middeft ofmortall men. There were all kinds ofmolt pleafant plants for fight, and molt profitable for eating; Heremolt plentiful! flare ofall gifts that make either for the falvation,or the beautifying ofthe church. There was one river, but yet fo as it divided it fe f forth ofthe .garden into four heads; here one voice of truth among all the Apofties, but yet Inch as, taking his beginning from Ierufalem, was divided into the four quarters of the world , filling all lands whitherfoever it flowed, with the waters of peace. and falvation. What pleafant thing could be. wanting there, which the heart of a man can conceive of ?, What was, it that he did not molt fufcientlypinata, yea with,abundance , at which the very Angels were aftonifhed? Certainly now.was; that terrible Anyel,that k..-pt the Way to the tree of life. With et glittering. f 3eord, removed out ofhis piace., and an *ranee was again laid, open into the Garden that was