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C A P. 2. Ar eyetitrion of the Apocalypfe. gfi But(will tomefay) how can the ChurchofSmyrna be filchdelightful' Sw,en AfyrrheinGods account,.whofe eftate was worfe then that of Ephc- finel.ling fur ? It is indeed far mere deformed in regardofher outward hew Saipaa. as not being beautifycdwith anyornament oflawful' Gavernment,in which regard the Northerne decliningagreethto her; yet the arden- dent defire ofthe godly, who fought molt valiantly for the truth, in that naiferable and rufiili eítare of things, made a moaSweet-finelling favour in the noltrills ofGod. Lefides, by howmuch the more grie- vous trouble and trig"`lieth upon '-gods fervants, the More indulgently is Godwont to deal with then ;He Bothnot then thew rigouragainft them with threatnings, but he comforteth them as much- as hecan, that fo he might ftrengthen.thofe. that arefeebl..-hearted,a"nd not adde afflic on to affliction. ThePrimitive Church did indeed induremoft grievous calamities, but at the han'ds ofhaathenifh-men, which was fame mitigation of theirfarrow. But Smyrna was, to fiiffer all extre- mity at the hands ofthole that profeffed Chriftiani.ty. Leaft then flee fhould fall down under the burchen offo great griefs, the. beareth nothingbut that that might put heart into hcr.For this cattle reproofs are let pafl'e,though it hadmore dregges,in- it,then the former Church: The.Counterpaine is the Church fucceeding the firkt ; an under- Church ofit,as Smyrna was an under-City of Ephefru ; many times alfo having the fame name with.thefii^fChnrch,in like maneras thofe two Cities hadbecaufe ofthe verygreat neereneife oftheir originali, asStrabo fheweth. This counter- Church takes her beginning toge- ther withConf -antine (umdil which time the Primitive Church, the counter-ChurchofEphefus, proceeded,or extended,)and is continued- untill Gratian,about theyeer ofourLord 382. according to Eufebiur. lhefe thingsfaith he thatis thefirfl andLift. This is a delcripti- onof him thatfendeth the Epiffleand is taken from the i 7.. and. z 8. verles ofthe fiat Chapter. In which words we(hewed that Chrift is laid to be the Creatour and Governour ofall things, at whole cocn- t andment alone all things are made, and that for his own glory or rather, that by this honourable teftimoniall, that wonderful) conjoy- ping partly of his Majefie, partly of his Humility is magnifyed. Which interpretation indeed is hence confirmed ; becaufe the con- dition of the Smyrneans was like ; Thou art afjlicied and poor ( faithhe) 6ut indeedthou art rich.. What is this elle,. but to fay, though thouart accountedof the worldone ofthe Lo/i gt,Loweflt yet in truth thou artFixft and Chief.HeBoth withal) Chew that charrgable elate ofthe.Smyrneaxt,wherebyit cameto. paflt,that the-truth which at