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GAP. 2 it aviation0fthe Apocalyp%. 59 this city,butyet with a refolute purpofe to havehim flain.For they of Sweet Smyrna had lately before [lain foure of their Bishops; whichbarba- fineliinB roes crueltiemay fiaew us how grievoufly thisAngel was afth ed. In Smyrna. the Epitome ofthe chroniclefetforthwith the ch.ronacle 7o feph Scitlió. that excellentanof,p«. 293.But if welhall a little enlarge the bounds of this' Snryrn.t to thofe contentions of the ChrifhiansI fpake of, efrrias came then by and by, who kindled firth a fire , as, wherewith all things both divine and human were leta burning; The Bithops ftudied for nothing but one to thruft another out oftheir Chaires, and to deprive eachother of their Church-dignities. Enfla- thiut ofAntioch was exiled,together with a mighty,company of priefts and deacons. Athan. in an Epifile to thcns that lived infolitary life. This A-banafine himfelf, the only fortrefle well nigh the truthhad was not only affaulted, but evenoverwhelmed with all kinde offalfe accufations;neither did theydefiftfrom their wicked oppofing them- fclves againft him,before they hadgotten him tobe-banillled toTre- virs in France. Lamentable indeed were thofe times, when as the Emperour in thenieanetime not fufficiently perceivingthe purpofes ofthofemofl::wicked bif4ops,knew not whéce thofe troubles fprang. And thy poverty.That is,how thou art made a"laughing ítock, & art condemned as being but beggerly;but be it that thou art idle regard- edof thofe hypocrites then any-poor Prtu,thou art rich notwithftan dingin my account ; fo littlecaufe hail thou to care:for theft wicked fcorns& let the Smyrnean -s pafs,thematter is deer inthe counterpain,How few were there ofthofe ofthe foandbelief,who durfl profeßè the truth ?. How were thefe few proudly trampled upon by their enemies?Certainit is. thattheSaints werecompelled to run up and down hither& thither, to entrearfor ayd againft their tyranny; Neithercould they,being turned out from all their owngoods,by any other means maintainstheir life but by the liberall contribution of other men.Athan.alonemaybe inftedofmany examples,out of whofe often dangers,flight,lurking,and defpai ring of life which he was dri- ven to, anyone may,fee how thofe that wereof rightjudgment,were not ableto repel(the injuries of their enemies by-.theirownpower and weakh. Then indeed was the Smyrnean Angel poore , if we meafure his wealth by humane ayde. But thou art rich. That is thou art not "left naked and forlorne as men thinke , but through my help, and in mine account thou art abounding with all [lore of things necef faty. Which words do allo together with this intimate , K what