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A view of the whole Revelation. Ch. so: I. At wbat time the Turks rifeup, thefîudy of the truth inMany an, the we- ftern part: is kindled 9. By wbofe indeavour the interpretation ofScripture is reftored again to the earth. Ch. t t a Peopbefe being reftored,there Irk -a morefut knowledge ofthe agepaft,name- fyithat the Churchfrom Conftantines time, for t a6o. years, was bidden in the (ecret part ofthe Temple, the Romans in the mean time boafting of the holy City, and out-moft court. y. And that at the endof tbofeyears theBishop of Romefhall wage war againft the Church, (hall cut the throat of theScriptures with his Councell of Trent ; yea make very carkaffes of them triumph over themfor three years and a halfè, fhould alto by thehelp of force and " Ghles theftft, tread upon the saints in Germany, wboyet after threeyears and ches) why1 n:.,.: _. tri the men of Magdeburg!, and Mauritius, ftroke the enemies with of she 1',o iJlt Churcn .._, t.a tenthpart of the Empire of Rome. n ç. The (event!) Angel becaufe I taw that many being ru . 't .,ttrth bimfelf new 1{inedoms,Englaud,Ireland, Antichrift for a God.Thefe were to be fetcneo out good unto God. For which end we doe as it were bearefuch a cleare torch. i.s -._ truthbefore them,that they mufl.nceds fee,iffo he they will open diets eyes , that the Pope of Rome is that manof fìn,untowhom, ifthey continue thus to cleave,they can-. not be Caved. But 'mineanger and indignationbrait out againfl the Iefitites. For when as I had by chance light uponRibcra,who had made a Commentary upon this fame ho- ly Revelation ; It it even fo(raid 1)doe the Pàpifts take heart again, fö as that beak which ofa long time before tbfey would fcarcefttfferany man to touch,they dare now take in hand to introit fully upon it? What? was it but a vain image Or bug,at the fight whereof they were.wont to tremblea few years Glace, even in the dios light,thatnow they dare be bold to look wifhly upon this gialle in this clear fun-thine, and dare proclaime to the world,that anyother thing rather is poyntcd at in it than their Pope òf Rome ? O we fluggifh and lazy creatures, it we falter that ! I thought it fit therefore that the croking of three fellowes fhould he fomewhat reprefied, thinking it worthmy_labour tomake theIefuites fee,how wickedly they rage, how foolishly they trifle , how they underhand nothingof the myfteries, how itcannot be poflîble that they ( hould have any wit or reach at all in this shatter. That fo,ifthey be defirous of the truth,as they dil%mblingly pretend, they might take me for a helper at leaft to fearch it out ; but if they Thal! í1i11 fluhbornly defpife it when it is cffered them, a helper forward of th :it condemnation with my fuftrage. Andhowfocvcr it be that they will ndt h&d their peace,fcr "know they wil fill heaven and earth awhile longer with th:ir ruffling and rufflingnoire, yet I hope I have herebrought that power & evidenceof Irglut & truth, that being left deflitute ofall thew ofarguments, henceforth they (hall doe nothing, butbelchout meet blafphemies againff Godand men. Thou (ü holy Mother) for thy ktndnes and tendernefs fake to all thine, pardonIpray theemy weaknes,wharein foe vet I have offended : Above all,regard not,neithercare for the rudeneffe ofmy fpeteh. The truth alone is that which thou and I propound to our fclves , flitter me after mÿ hammering fafhion to talk with thee my Mother. Here Ibring fuch Mandrakes as I could come by, which I found in the field : there.arcno herbus inmy basket fer finch dainty fellows, ismake more account of fine words,than foundmatter,unlefs perhaps their heads akingwith the finel of too many clegancies,theymayfetch hence if it pleafe them, the perfumeof brindlone and Goats-beard,whcrewith, like to the Sabeianr,drey maybe rowzed from their dead fleep, and mayawake their.dull fences. I bcfeich Iefus Chrift, that you(a' Cbriffian Churches) mayby.underflanding proceed in gedlines, and that by true and carnet repentance,you may either quite turn away the evill hanging over you, or may at length be fo defended by his power, that youmay Eland invincible In 41 ílerms.and troubles whatfçever. ACititen andfofter ebildeofyours mofîunworthy, Txot.BauGxrMAN. 11. A'Ge- i