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C A r. 2. A (evelationof the Apocalyp%,. 61 impiety and blafphemy.But whatfoever this wicked company brag- Sweet ged,as if God dwelt in their congregations alone , they gathered af- fmCtimg femblies together , not for God,but for the Devil], of whofe Syna- Smtn'na. gogues they were the Rulers. to. Fearnothing of the thing's Which thou{haltfufer. Now hearmed' them againft thefe evils,which hangover their heads , more grievous then thofe that were pall. Thofe wherwith the leWs molefted them for the prefent, as alto thefe fàlfe fuggeftions of theBifbops, while Confl'axtine lived,were but light skirmishes, before that fet and hard fighr,thatby and by followed. Wherforehe doth diligently defcribe all the manner of this co,nbate;as,Who Jbouldbe the Prince and Leader, With What kindof 4.ruelty hefhouldbefurious againft them,toWhat end, and hoW long. The chicle Leader is the Devilwhom after in this book we (hall fee to note out theheathen Emperors,the open enemies ofthe truth; as it is,Ch.r2.9. Here it comprehendeth Hereticks alfo, chriftians innàme,in very deed,wolves devouring the flock.The kind ofpnnifhment is imprifonment , whichone thingdoth containpro fcribings,confifcationsofgoods,banifhments,Ilaughters,fires,rackings, or-whatfoever other exquifit tormentbefide,as the ftory teacheth.By all thefe means fhould the Devil outragioufly labour to drawmen from the truth.But this perfecution fhonld endure butfor tendays.ì\low a day in this book is takenfora year. The number allo of tendoth fometimes lignifie properly;it doth often times alto lignifie anuncer- tainnumber by a Synechdoche.I fippofe both are here ufed, that the certain number ih.ould belong to theType,that which is uncertain to the Counter.payn. As touching Smyrna therefore,this perfecution fel out in the time of Trajane,whobeing aDevil , that is,an open enemyof the truth, raigned next after this Bookwas written, being verycrud] agaitit the Chriftians,delivering themover to prifon,& death,todrive them through fear from the profetlìon of Chrift.. Smyrna could not go foot-free from a common calamity , efpecially Peeing Bithynia that borderethupon it,didoverflowwholy with the-maffacres of Chri- ftians,as the epiftle of Pliny thefecunduntoTrajan fpeaketh.Whence we may fee it may after a fort be gathered,how long this perfecution lafted. For in the fourteenth yeer of7raiane,Tliny relating unto him the multitude of thofethat were tlain , gave an occafion to flay that rage,& to obtainforce breathing.What yeer it is not plainly fet down by the writers of the Hiftory. Some think that it began as foon as ever he tookupon him the Emptre;,but,in the fourthyeer he triumphing.