Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

Sweet g o triumphing ver the Dacians and Scythian:, feemeth to have had the lmcllin p of 1 gnnyii beginning his raign fo troubled , that he could not be at leifure to afflict the Chriftians. But it is certain, that he exercifed his cruelty for tenyeers at the leaft; it is likely that the end of that war was the beginning of this tormenting the Chriftians ; Neither is it neceffary to think,that this affliction fhould beproper to Smyrna alone,but ra- ther that it is thatuniverfall one, which fhouldcome upon the whole world,of which mention is made in the Epiftle to the Churchof Phi- ladelphia,chap.3. t o.As touching the Counter-copying Church ofSmyr- , ma, Comfan.r and Valens the Emperours , being in name Chriflians, were indeed no lcífe terribly cruell againft the true Godlymen, and thole of found beliefe, then the heathenijl, Devils. were of old. In which number, the inferiour inftruments oftheir wickedneffe are allo reckoned. Among the Laity, Syrianusthe Governour, and.Sebaflian ie Maniche the Captain of thearmies; Among the Bifhops, eufebius once of .7icomedia , after of Conftantinople , Mscedonius, George . of Alexandria, and the reft ofthat (tamp, not Bihopsbut monfters, as whole inhumanity any Tyrant fcarce equalled. Before thematter was handledwith brawls,raylings,and all kind of flaunders.But after that,when as (Conflantine being taken away) theDevil . was to come forth upon the ftage, what tragedies were rayfed up ? It was but a light matter to thruft the holy men into baniihment,to cart very many ofthem into prifon, to flay almoft an infinit company of them, they played the raging beafts againft themwith all kinds of torments and reproachfull. punifhments. Some of them were beaten with (tripes" to death,others were branded in the fore- heads,others were tortured a*d racked ; yea the holy women had their breafts cut off, others breafts were burnt with a red hot iron , or with egges rolled as hot as could be. Whowould think,that men thatprofefÌ'ed Chriftianity, could inflict any fuch thing upon Chriftians? It,cannot be declared in a fewwords,how lamentable thole times were.But youmay fee more inSocrat.Bookz.& 4. Theodoret.Booka.& 4.Sozem.Rook 3,4,6. Now the time of this tyrannie,though it exceeded the number here fpoken ofby fourteen yeers, yet it holdeth out to be the number of ten duyes, that manner as we have faid. 'e thou faithfull to the death. Here he inviteth them to courage and conftancy, by letting before them the reward of eternal! life. It is a profitable loffe that is recompenced with fo great a gain. What would not the godly undergo, that are lure to have fuch a reward? It is applyed to the times,fupply .ing comfort tibuctdantly,againtt the lots of 6z f. -evelataonofthe Apocalypfe.. CA P. Z.