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High & haut Perga nius. 64 4 (' elationofthe Apùealypfe. C A r. z, The Analyfis, or Refolutionof the Epiílle to thofeof Pergamus. O muchfor the epiftle to them of Smyrna. That to the wen ofTer- Vomits is likeWife infcribed to the Angel. He that fendeth it batha tWo edged [Word. TheNarration commendeth their conftancy, being illufrated by the throne of Satan, and thofe common times ofdanger in Which Antipas fuff'ered,ver. t 3. after that he reproveth their finfbeWino. partly ofwhat kinde it i,, in that they fuffercd the Balaamites,verf. r4. And the Nicolaitans, ver. t 5. Partly alfo What remedy there isfor ir, Repentance, Which he Bothamplifie by the danger if they defpife it,ver. 16. Loft ofall heconcludeth With his folemne Acclamation, and fetteth down the reward: The hidden Manna, the white icone, and the un- knownname written upon itIvcrf. 17. THE EXPOSITION. t 2. ANd to the oAhgel ofthe ChurchofPerrramu.r. Pergamus as far as the holy Ghoi& feemeth to ayme at the notation of the word in this place, is as it were the Greek Peramos, that is theTow- er of Troy,as Hefychiur cloth interpret it. For is is a-towred Citie,high and proud, agreeing to that that followeth in the next verfe,Where Satans Throne u. It is diftant from Smyrna toward the North about 540. furlongs, further off from it, then Smyrna from Ephefus, in the utterruoft bound oftheNortherne latitude, as touching thefe feven Cities. Therewas a great diminutionof the light made in the de- cliningofSmyrna under Conftamine, Conflantius and Valence even in thatfirff and leap turningafide fromEphefus, where was the pri- mitive purity ; but now there is a pafsing from Smyrna to Pergamus, into the uttermoft darkneffe; the Churchbeingnow to fuffer a more grievous Eclipfe of the light,then ever before this time fince Chrifts birth. The counterpain hereof is of a lager extent for time, then the former, as it cloth alto -go beyond them for the diftanceofplace, containing in it a great part of the kingdom of darkneffe, from the yecr 380. Namely, from Gratians time, where the former Termeof time lefr,untill about the yeer 13 oo. as wekhall fee in the expofition. Thefe things faith he that kath thé tWoedged[word. Here we have the furnitureof him that indiaed the Epi le taken out of the firlf chapter,i6. verf. Thewhich he ufeth now rather then any of the other,becaufe in governing this- Chruch , he was to,ihew hirnfelf to be fuch a one as this furniture importeth. For he was to avenge himfelf