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6'6 Ott:7+1440:óf Apóckl r A Eat. 2. High and kept in memoryuntill histi3nè ; but more I finde'not in'any faf icieñt haughty Author. Out of this place it is plaine, that he was a veryworthy Pergamus Martyr, by whole füfferirtgs we are given to underfiand, that the heat ofperfecution_was very fore the at this time. This is another commendation of the Church of Pergämus , that they continued confiant in the faith , even when a rough fiorme was mof ofall boyfierons. It is an eafìe thing to profeft. Chrrfi , whenone may doe it either with honour, or without Bang(r; but to flick to our profethon with anundaunted spirit, though it should be withhazard ' ante-, isa matter worthy of fingular commendation, as the which fheweth true courageand Chianran refolution. The Counterpaine we have laid tobe that Church that was from the year 400, unto the year 1300. When as afterConfantius,7ulian, andValens, the Churchhaving''.. ft Smyrna, went on further" North- ward toPergamus; that is, wascover; d with moregrofhe darkneffe, being brought under the powerof that City, where the Throne ofSa- tanWas, that is,ofRome :fThis is that high Toznredandhaughty City, the ToWreofTTroy, wholedaughter theglorieth tobe, that wasof old the Metropolitan City of the whole world alìnon; theproud Lady and Qzeen of the Nations; no leffe glitteringly let out with magni- ficall Temples, Theaters, Pyi amides, Pallaces, then the isenriched with a large Dominionand Empire. It is plainlycalled the Throneof Satan, chap. 13. 2. Both becaufr it wasonce the feat ofthe Heathen Smperours, as we will thew upon that place, as alfo becaufe w hen they were taken out ofthe way,itwasmadea dwelling for the Popes, whoall the while they nettled there, made it plaine to the world,that they reigned not in Gods name, but by thehelpe and conduaofthe Devill. For 24. Popes Wereall ofthemgiven to divelifh arts,of whom forme entht ailed themfelvesWholly unto Satan by"corpa51, thatfo they might come to the"Popedome : yeafor 8oyearesfromSylvefter the 2. till Gregory the7. there Was never aPope that fate there, thatdid not makehimfi lfeanotorious noble villaine through this impiety. Can any man doubt Where the Devill had his Throneplaced, when he(hallfeefo many _purple Necromancers fit in that Bifloply Seeat Rome? Rome therefore is Pergamus, and not the City ofRome only , but all the Romifb Dominion , as far as the principality ofthe B.iJhops ofReme reached. As long as this tyranny flourrfhed, the condition of the Church of Pergamuu was to be feene in all places that were fubjec`>` unto them. Now they that keepe the nameo fC H R I S T, are the faithfull fcattered in all places wherefóever at that time, who being