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C_AP. . 410elatl0i! ofthe Apo .yp1e. verfe condition ofthe offenders, for Jezabel her felfe ispunifbed byher Bed, they that commit adultery Withher by great afflietion, Verfe 22. Andherfanswith death. Lafll, by the honourable tefirnony ofallthe Churches, witneing that gods judgementaping her isjuft andrïgh- teous, Verfe 23. To which at lengthhe joynetha counfell againg this wiekedneCe, unto which he intimateth aWay in mercy, Verfe 24. Re- guiringconftancy ofthe Church, Verfe 25. And perfwading her unto it, with a reward ofpower over the Nations, Verfo 26, 27. And the MorningStar,Verfe 28. The Conclufaon,Verfe 29, THE EXPOSITION. IS. And to the Angell ofthe Church ofThyatira. Thyatira is cal- led as if it wereThugattira, a daughter; as we (hewed the reafon how and why upon the firft Chapter. And it isa name exceeding agreeable to the thing it felfe: for the pietyof this Church is grow- ing, like to a newborne daughter, which alwayes waxeth image and greatneffe, till the come toher full ripeneffe. In which regard this Church is oppofed to Ephefau , which being at her full age the firft day, or a little after, the further fhe went on, the more weak and de- caying (he was every day, like one that hafteneth to old age, till at -length, thenaturali and originali heat beingextinct, fhe fell into the coldnefle of death it felfe. Now this is the firft bending from the North, namely, from Pergamustowards the South, but further up- on the Eaft, being diftant from it aboutfourefcore English Milts, ac- cording to Ptolomy. The Counterpaineof it,is the time from the year 1300. untillthe year 152o. (or) 520. above i 000. Th f thugsfaith the Sonne ofcod. Now Chrift maketh himfelfe knowne by his name, his eyes, and hisfeet. All which things do more cleerely appeare out of the Countertaine. As touching the name it now firft of all offereth it felfe unto us, being not expreffed before among the thingsthat were either feene or heard, in the firft Chap- ter. There was men ion made of the Senne of Man , Verfe 13. but the whole Vifion did fufficiently declare him to be the Sonne of God. It feemeth to be named here, as ifnow hewere returning out of' Egypt. He was in exilenow a long time ; but in the rentingof theChurchhe returnethhome againeas it were , beginning to make himfelfeknowne in a more familiar fort to his fervants, from whom free fèemed to have beene fo long abfent before. His fiery eyes (of whichChapter 1.14, i s.) Are fuch as in the brighrneffewhereof hee fheweth himfelfe to the Thyaririans , becaute now was that M s fiourifhiug Grow Thyarira.