S64 ARevtlationoftlieApocalyple. Y`AP.2i; through everyprefent age, then with a molt happy propagating of the Church fora long time of continuance, which thing the equall length and breadth do declare. And he meárured the CityWith a Ted tWelve thoufandfurlongs. So much for the quantity of thecity; now he fpeaketh of the defcription of thenumber, andfirft of the City, the meafure whereof is tWelve thou- fandfurlongs; which it is doubtful! whether they belong to the whole plat and flooreofthe City, or to the compaffe only thereof.We can meet with nothing that may be fet downe certainly áííd diffinctly touching this matter; Ifwe fay the firft, it is a mighty City, every fide whereof (hall bean hundred and nine furlongs and more, coniming fomcwhat fhort ofoldBabylon,which contained in every fide an hundred and twen- ty furlongs,as Herodotus faith in Clio. But if the compaffe only ofthe City receive this meafure,there was neveranyCity to be compared with this greatneffe, every fide whereof(hail be three thoufand furlongs, and the whole floore nineteen hundred thoufand. Compluten/is whom.Mon- tanur & Tlantines Edition follow,do read thefe words otherwife;tà'elve furlongsof tWelve thoufand, that is,as I fuppofe they meane, tWelve times tWelve thoufandfurlongs, as if the whole Capacity ofthe City had fo mao ny furlon s as there werePealed Saintsout of every Tribe,chap,7.name- ly an hundred foure and forty, thoufand furlongs. Which conveniency makes me fifpe& that this reading is themore true; both becaufe it Both moff greatly declare the exceeding great affinity of this Church of the IeWes and that ofthe Centiles,as alto becaufe it doth retain a proportion in number juif with that of the wall in the verfe following. After this in- terpretation,the number of the City is made of the mutual! multiplica- tion ofthe Citizens and the Minifters, as the number of the wall is made ofthe number of the Minifters redoubled within it felf.For twelve times twelve thoufand do make this number, and of thefe numbers the multi- plying nu nber of twelve fignifieth the Minifters,this that is to be multi- plyed (igniñeth the Citizens; And then every fide thereof(hail be three hundred feventy nine furlongs and fomewhat more. But here it may be asked, why Johnmaketh this City farremore large and fpacious then zeehiel cloth, whereas both of them do defcribe the fame City out ofall doubt. for he maketh themeafure ofevery fide of it to be forsre thoufand five hundred Cubits, Chap. 48. ;o. that is only tWelvefurlongs and a lit- tlemore; John, whatfoever reading we follow, whether we make the meafure to be of the compa(fe or of the floore, makes a farre greater largeneffe and magnitude. The reafon hereofis ; becaufe Ezfehicl was a Minifferof theiaw, Yohn of the Cïofpel ; fo that the ditfei ence of the