C A 2.21. . 4Tevelation ofthe Apocalypfe. 865- the largeneffe in each of their meafurings,arifeth from the different mea- fure of the cleerneITe of the times, which was alwayes greater, the ne,- re that men came to the times of Chrifi. Wherefore the Temple o f Solo- paon was built withmore ample dimenfions,then theTabernacle was,and tilt; Temple ofezeehicl had larger dimenfions, then that of Solomon. ; and now this City defcribcd by lobs, hash larger dimenfions then that of Ezechiel. For after the coming of Chrifi, came their greateft light ; which according to increafe of knowledge,a correfponden¿magnificence is ufed in the framing ofthé Church. And the length,and the breadth;andheight thereofare equal!. We laid right now that title length, is continuance of time wherein theChurch (hould endure; breadth is the prefent face of every time; of it which . £hall be no leffe beautif l! and goodly to behold, then that glory of the continuance thereof.There is now firft ofall mention made of the height thereof : And this feenteth to fignifle the excellent gloryof this City that is fo extolled with the fpeeches and praifesof all men. Matters are fet . on high,when they be commended and magnified. So that it is the com- mon manner of (j eaking,.to fay, that things are lift up to Heaven with praife',when they be extolled greatly. This City therefore (hall be no leffefamous and renowned among all men, then it (hall be durable, and fiourithing alwayes with an exceeding great and abundant companyof Citizens. For this City is folid, not feperficiall, fquare altogether like a Die, and a perfect Squadron on every fide,as which conlfteth of all di- menfions,ánd thofeequal!: It is perfeéi, fo as nothing can be addedunto it.. The former Cities,wanted folidity, and betides their bredthwas to narrow, that it couldnot be-feeneofmen. What marvel! is it then, if theywere fhaken with every flormy wind and tempefi ? This Cityahall !landmore firme and {table,.. and that with fo greatftrengthon every fide that it fearethno tempefls. Verf. 17. And he meafter-ed the Wall thereof. The number of the: wall is an hundred foure and forty Cubits; whereof is this number made ? The Minifiers of theWord that are propagated and multiplied of them,fhall compaffe this City round about, and (hall preferve it fafe and; fuze from all ho(lile invalon,and from all fraud anddeceit ofhereticks. But this meafure is here madeof the height only the meafureof the length may befufl ficiently made maniftfl;by the meafiire of the City,whichhath been declared; as which the wall thatcompal%th it doth exceed fomewhat in length according to the quantity of the place whereon, andwherea- bout the wall Hands. By the meafure of man, Which le -the Angel.. As if it were laid, Although tine Minitiers {hall make this defcription with their Cubit