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T66 Y, eveiation àf the :CAT if. Cubit, yet. fh:t11 they do nothing at their ovine pleafure, and as theft felves lift, but they !hall refpect the will of Godin all things as if they were the AngelsofGod;and in like fort they (Bail fulfill the fame will of God molt profperoufly, through the guidance tsf Gods Spirit, which !hall lead then, into the landOf righteoufiieffe. Bin what maketh the meaftire of, a man in theHeaven. See therefore what manner ofCity the holy Ghoft defcribeth unto us in thisChapter. . Vert. s 8. Andthe building ()film Wall ofit Was of Iafper. Hitherto of the forme; now the holy Ghoft entreateth of the matter, and frít both 'ofthe Wall 'and ofthe City joyntryin thin verfe. The wall was made of Iafper. This (tone Both both lie in the foundation, and ir is ufed efpecially to build up the reff ofthewall withal!: Perhaps it is fo,becaufe the word in the Greek pit for building, fignifieth the fluffing of the wall that fil- lethup the fpacebetweene the fronts and foreparts of the wall on both fides : that fo it may note unto us that the building is no lefle precious . within, thenWithout. The flopping up, which the word fignifieth,feen eth to intimate fomefuch matter as this : or rather, Peeing it fignifieth al- fo a wharfe, and pile ofwood, or otherftrong matter that is heapened and rammed up together to break the force of the waves of the Sea : therfore the building is madeof lafper principally,becaufe thofe teachers who arefignied by this Gem,fhall bear of the firff and princiçall affaulr, and battery ofthe adverfaries,and fo (hall be in fteadofa rampire to all the reit that follow after them. And the fit7 it felfeWas ptsregold. The matter of the City, is fumma- rily pure Gold, which fire cannot confume but maketh more bright and whichuingdoth not wear away, nor ruft defile; the Iuyce likewife either of fait, or of vinegar do not corrupt it though they can corrupt and fpoyle other things. Thefeare the commendations, which Pliny gi- veth to Gold : why fhould not this City be perpetuall,when once ir (hail be built,as which is made óffoinvincible matter, and which is fo free from all corruption; But betides it is like to pureglaffe, that is, it is not defiled with any filthines,or anynatty inatter,no not in the molt inward and fecret part therof;It doth fo fhitre through with the cleernes therof, that èvery man may inoft plainly behold the molt gracious countenance ofGod in ir, and thorough it. For this through bright deerneffe; ferveth . toexpreffe tinsmuch, that God himfelfe may be feen and looked upon thorough ir, whom we that live as Pilgrims ¡here on earth , fee as in'a Looking-Glaffe, and by a dark riddle, as it is, t Cor. i 3.i2. This City therefore is, not like to that Whore of Rome, that liveth and is dear!, though fiaee live "at this dax which is all wilded without, whereas the