$6g AKen leition ofthe .Apocalrpfe.. C. A reckoning them,belonging to that order wherein theft newPreachers of the Gofpel [hall at length fpring up;that even asthe placingof thegatc fhewed the order of the Countries, whence the Jews hhall beconverted to the truth; fo this manner of layingdown the {tones foorderly, may note out the order of the Trachers,in which they (hall-rift up lout ofeve- ry oneof their places. And vet-there is this tLTtrenceto be between the people andTeachers,that they {hall come inby troupes on every .fide of the City; and therefore they (hall have Gates lyingopenfor them every way; thefe being but a few, {hall not be gakhered together by heaps, bait {'hall be numbred man by man;accordiitrg to the place,whence God that1 raife them up. And yet we muff not think that tnefe twelve only are like CO come, but fo many principal! ones, perhaps, to whom the reRof-the multitude (hall be altogether like. Let us fee therefore where thefe Gems grow,and what kindeof ones they be, thatfo wemay conje inre in fomee `fort of the off-:ping and Nature of t#tofe excellent men, -God ofhis goodneffe {hall fend into the world within thefe few yeers. The firff foundation is Iafjer,a divine ftone,which is often made tobear the Image ofGod himfelf, as we havePeen, and therefore it occupieth the`firft place worthily,becatrfe he that (ball begin the rjtoring of the Jews,fhal come neer untoGod himfelf,(as ifhe were Mo es).beeing very like unto him in a fingular excellencyofall gifts.The be.ginn ingsof mattersare molt hard, and do require menthathe belt appointed & furniflredwith gifts. It is a Gem g,row trig in Scythia and Perjia,of an heavenly brightnefle,a certain kind whereof they call B o cep, and Ari i ria;a laffier florin like to the ail, the beauty whereofit is eater to a5.ñire then todeclare, It hath a varie- ty offweetne(ie in it.thch as none of the molt cunning wits andfiaarpe eyes are able todiftinguifh. Ir may fignifie therefore that rich treafure of gifts that thal be heaped up withit the minds of tome men,wherein a man may acknowledge a manifold exceliencie;but heca'nnnotteafìly tell What it is that excelleth above the relt. In which refpe& it wasbrought before to exprcffé the Divine Natureof theFather, Chap: 14.3. l;ecaufe this fo `cónftrfed beauty cloth_ intimate and reprefert in force fort that incom- prehenfrbleedepth of Gods Majefiv and excellencie. The Sayre glittereth with golden points, and is a Cern of rnofÈ= great excellencie among the Merles ; and this ihewweth a certain and dí- in& kinde of pleafantneffe; like towhich forceTeachers are to come in the next place after that fieft kinde, whoa a fingular excellencie of fföme one rare gift [hall bring into honourable ecimarion. The Chalcedònie is ofa fimple colorir,like to a C.arbnncI',giiffringwith . a fierie brightnefFe. It is a Gem thatgroweth in the Northern parts, and is found about the 'flails of the Sea of Chakedern above Ctiryfvpolie, which