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C A P .21. Jir evelationofthe Apocalyplle. 869 which are both feated in Bithinya, hard by.the rocks called Symplegader, as theta etorieth, whence it bath the name. This (tone may note out the zeal and fervencie of the Teachers that (hall fucceed the former. The Emerald is a moll noble (tonegrowing in Scythia : it hath a molt pleafant greennefle; fo as nothingcan more delight the eyes. But feeing the defcription of inward graces more aimed at in this place, then ofany outward ornaments : this greenneffe is the moil divine knowledge of matters, on which the mindeofa man doth delire to be fixed, more then upon any thing elfe. It is placed next after the Chalcedonie, that fo knowledge may accompany zeale. The fifth foundation is the Sardonix, which is a Gem ofIndia, alining like to the naile of a man, let on flefh; and by this means it giveth us a refemblance ofhumanity, and ingenuity, as having whiteneffe mingled with rednefie. The Sarditar is found among the Sardians:it is red all over witha bloc- thecolour; and fo it may lignifie a certain feverity, and it is joyned with the Sardonix to very goodpurpofe, left, perhaps, gentleneflèfhorild wax vile &contemptible for want offach a companion as this is,And there fix lira (tones are Eaftern, and Northern, which declare unto us this happy and abundant increafe ofTeachers that fhouldorne out of there coafts : and herein we may fee how the Holy Ghofl makes things to agree fweet- ly tagether, as this doth with the former, feeing the firft people and the firfl Teachers fhali be revived,toprofeiîe and to preach the Gofpel with a laving defrre and indeavour out of the fame parts of the world. The feventh foundation is a Chryfolite, which fhineth throughout with a golden colour ; it is a Gem full of Dignity and Majeftie ; and Ethiopia begetteth it. As for the Beril, Tliny faith,It it an Indian flone. Dionyfras faith,. it loth alfo grow in Babylon ; and as the fame Author faith in his verfes, it. is skie-coloured, and fomewhat dark like water ; The warrie colour betokeneth lenity and humility, fucl as water it fell is, which will eafily give place to every one ; and fo it is a moft meet companion to follow next after the Majefticall Chryfolite, that fo it may keep the ftateliaeffe thereofwithin meafure and compaf e. The ninth foundation is a Topar, which is a Gem of a green colour, and found,as Pliny writeth,among theTro;lodyte,a people that dwell by the red Sea : Diony/'ur faith, It is an Indian Gsm,and he giveth it apure fra- screen colour. But it is not of a Pimple and pure green colour, but fo as it Ihineth yellow and ruddie like gold. Whereupon Erafiathieu giveth it a goldcolour,andhefaith, that itfhineth like gold, which thing he bor.. rowed ofStabo, who writethmany more things of this Gone, 'Book 16. Sssss a Sonic