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CAP, 2, f@elation oftheApocalypfe. 77 one another in deed and truth when there was need. Whence Growing it is that he joyneth unto Love; Service , that is, .miniflringun- Thyatira. to theneceffitiesof the Saints." Their mutual! faith alfo was ex- cellent , voide of all diffembling and treachery. For this Faith feemeth to bee a fruit of that other , which is properly, fo called , namely , faithfulneffe, whereby every one had a heartyand fincere care of the good of another ; when it fignifieth a twit in G o D through C x x i s T, it is wont tobe placed in the firfl place , as the Fountaineand Spring-head of all other vermes, which things perhaps deceived the old Interpreter, and made him let this word before the ref!, againfL the credit ofthe Grt eke Copies. For fo hee readeth,r.and Faithand Charity and Minifring and Patience. There patience was feene in induring thofe calamities, with which they were affieled by meanes of thehatred and fubtilepolicy of the Poke of Rome. The lalt commendation is of their lafl veorkes, which were more then the former. For fo reade theVulgar, Complutenfir, and a cer- taine Copie of a Kingwhich Robert Stephen ufed inhis Edition. And thy loft Workes more then thy former : where the le cond andWorker is dafhed out. And fo indeed the fentence runneth better, chiefly feeing Works are fpoken ofin the beginning of theverfe, wcl' ifthey thould be put here by themfelves,& not read together with the other words:, the repeating of themmight beperhaps fuperfluous. But for the mat- ter it,felfe : It is an excellent commendation togrow in godlineff4 and to exceed the former times of our life in the fruitfolnefl'e of good workes, as we grow towards our latter dayes , which all Inch uff to doe, as are planted in the houle of God , who abound with fruits in their old age, and arefat andflouri/bing, Pfal.92. t 5. Whofé voyage to heaven-ward proceedeth on like the light ofthemorn- ing, that fhineth.moreandmore till it beperfelt day, Proverbes 4. i 8. Sothis Church alwayes increafing with a more ample progreffe, did daily wax great and firongof fmall beginnings. At the yeare 1 30o, many flout Champions, faithfull Patronsof the truth,did thew them- felves, but about feventy yeares after ?ohn wicklefe helped on,very much their beginnings : he cleared and laid open the doCtrine. in many headsofit;, and that which they had but fl;nderlyfoundòut, hee confirmed with more pregnant arguments. After forty yearss, ?An Hus and ?erome of Prage .fucceeded this man, by whole prea- ching and martyrdome, a farre greater increafe ofthe Churchwas made. After thefe followed the menof Bohemia, who did openly re- NI 3 . vok,