87o 4 ervetatldn o f the Apoea1yp lie. CA P.21. Some there be, who conjec`fure that this word took its beginningfrom the HebrewPazaz, as if it had been written firfl in Greek, To Pas, or, To P4 ox, which afterward grew together into one word,Top t,by the unskilfiilneffe of the Printers. A Chry[oprafe alfo refembleth Goldin fome fort, as the name thereof íheweth ; but yet fo, as if it were Gold that hath the juiceofa Leek fprinckled upon it. - The eleventh and twelfth foundations, be the Hyacinthand the Anne_ thy(, being both of them of a purple colour, the former (pining more brightly,the later of a more wan and weak colour,as Dianyfr i faith ofit. India and Ethiopia furnith us with there two flones. T hefe fix Taff hones therefore come out of the Eaft and the South. Our W.flern ceafl, as it feemeth, {hall make fupply of citizens, after the fame manner, with other Countries alto ; but it (hall contribute few or no Gems at all to build up the wall. It may be,that god will by this means makehis power the more glorious, by railing up fuch worthy Teachers out of thofe pla- ces, which are moll repugnant againff the Truth. The four later moff Gems are of golden and purple colours, of greateft price and eftima- lion ; and the Holy Ghoft feemeth to have fet thefe in the fail places of fet- purpofe, and that twice over, again and again, as if hee would teach us thereby, that there Teachers fhould never be out of requtfl, but that they fhould flouriíh alwayes, with as great authority ag might be. The truth is wont to be acceptable at the firfl, and the Miniflers there- of are judged worthy of all honour, but the eager delire of men is wont to wax cold in time, and then the authority of the Teachers beginneth to quaile, when once men begin to be full with them. But no Inch mate ter (hall come to paffe in this place. The laft end (hall anfwerto the_ beginning, the difpencers of the Word fhall be no leßê honourably efteemed, after that the Truth (hall have waxed old by a continuance thereoffor many Ages, then they were at the time when it firfl (prang up. And this is the caufe, as I think, for which fo great a Bore of golden and purple colour is raft into the place. I know that others do leek out a correfpondencie of other properties in-thefe Clones ; but feeing the Writers are of fuch different judgements about the proper vernie cf etch ftone, and the certain truth thereof is not fiufficiently cl_ared to this day, I chofe rather to infilf upon matters that be plain, and that be ofa known figniication, fuch alto as agreewith the Analogie of the Prophecie,then to fpendmy labour invain, in feeking out doubtfull mat- ters ; and thus wee have that thing explained unto us moreparticu- larly and copiouflv by thefe fundry kindes of Gems in this place, which the Angel hath comprifed fuinmarily in one word, in the Pro- phccise