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e A P. 21. AT(evelatiors oftheApocalypfe. .871 phecyofDaniel,whenhe faith,that thofe Who inffru& others f albe bright, au it Were With the brightnefs ofthe Firmament,and that theyWho convert many to righteoufneffe hallbe as thefiarresfor ever and ever, chap.-12.3. Verf. 2 i. And the twelve Gates Were twelve Pearles. So much for the matter of the walls. The Gates are made of Pearles, and thefe lignifie Chrift, Who is the Way,and the door unto life. If any, man Jball enter inby him, heJTiall befaved, andhe/hall go in andout, an4'finepáffure,Iohn i o. 9. Now how notably do Pearles refemble the Sonne of God, that was . conceived in the womb of the Virgin ? as which are not-made through any earthly copulation, but are begotten of the Celeftial! de ,at a cer- taine time of the yeare, with a certaine gaping, after that they have drunk up a dewing from heaven, do conceive and become great with young; and the more they have beene toffed with great Tempeff--, after the dew received, the more noble and generous fruit they bring firth. So the Holy Çholt came upon Mary, and the vertue of the molt High over-fhadowed her, and Chrift was Scarce borne into the world, but he was fought for to be killed, andhe driven into Egypt with a horrible Tempef. After the like manner,.the firff entrance into this City fhall be very toilefom and troublefome : but men, fhall have fo much more flore ofcommendation and eftimation, after that they than be once en trod. The Gates are twelve, but yet all ofthem are madeof one Pearle; becaufe Chrift is one, And there is one name only given unto men under heaven, by Which they muff befaved, Ail. 4 12. Andtheffreetes ofthe City Was. puregold. The H. Ghoft fetteth down the matter of the City in the laff place and this he faid above to be Gold; but there he fpokeofthe matter of the whole City general!, here he mentioneth the ftreets onely. Thefe be the high -wayes wherein the Ci- tizens meete together, when they have ought to do one with another. Even as therefore the wayes of :a manare the aftions about which a man is converfant,fothofe ffreetesof the city are thefe publickduties and traf lckings,whereabout the Citizens are employed diligently for the maintainingof this bodily life. The Holy Ghoi faith that all thefe8aá!1 be holy,pure,clean,precious; for the place wherein men !hill meete to difpatch thefeaffaires,is made ofpureand glittering gold, as above, ver. a S. How holy and unblameable thall this City be,wherein the common converfation ofmen,then which nothing ufeth to be morefilthy and-de- filed,fhall be free from all filthy wickedneffe ? Now fhall juftice runne down through the ftreets like a river, and true godlinefhe [hall {hind forth in all the affaires of men. Verf. 2'2, And I favv no Temple there. Hithertowe have feene the inward, and the cffcntiall beauty of this City, as much as it can bee