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CA t' 21. A `é'! eathmn of the Apocaiypre. 873 letter, but that thekernell of the Spirit is ro be fearched and culled forth. Letthe Jews hearken to this, and let themnot expeCt the reedify- -img ofa new material Temple amongii Caen any longer,as they have done to this day'fooliíhly and perverfly;bu:let theta breath bray with their lreares andhearty with5s; after that right manner cfWorthipping God, which (hall not i'tandin neede of any l emplc; let. them long with hope- full hearts to fee Almighty t od'him(eïfand the Lamb converting among Them, in refpe'a of whichglory they that( judge what(òcver'canbe fra- med by t.e pollicy ofnrau,are btttvile,andnor(ring worth. Vet& 23. And this City Lull no need of the S'un, or the 1Cloone. For certainly, the lifoone fla11 b. then ab.tfled and the Sunne afbamed, When the Lord Of- H_ofs find/ rai:;ne is 4'ímit Sion, ,i;zd in ?,ru¡ale*, and hefhalbegloritu' before his ancient Mal; Lfrig on,. 23. And why may not 'theeChurch'be Aimed of' the former oLfcurity,- wherein the and all thn gs lay before, =iiicompaa'i1 nofthis tine; when the light of the Moon!! fi.all be a,s the lit,ï?t of the Sun, ankh(' light ofthe Strn /l; .11 be liven-fad, even .0 the It offc'ven (byes, Efa. 3o. 26. Now ìhafé t,',i:1gs are not i oken to this purpofe, as if there (Gould be no life at all of the Scrip- tures, butbeUtiré all men (hall befoable ro underftand the Will of God at thii time; as if they had no neede to be brought to knowledge by the reading and f.adyingofthe Scriptureaa, or any other hole books which helpe to open them. For the earth (faith the Prophet) fball be full óf the knoWlea"ae of the Lord, ar the v-vaters that cover the S'ea, Efay Neitherf/iall they teach any more every ene his brother, fisÿißt, Xnovv the Lord : for' they ¡ball a!i novvme, from the le,til of therti even -unto the'greateF1ofthem, fàit h the Lord, that it zi I that doe forgive their iniquities, and do not remcm^er theirfinnes uey more, as it is Jar. 31.34. From hence we may obfervec, that that Church is moll glorious wherein the':Son ofrighteou-fricffe fhineth molt and-openly, not covered over with the clouds of mifiy and myfticall ceremonies. Let them therefore fee what a foul errour they Five in, who -bring into the Church,pompous-and garifh ceremonies of their ownheads, and that to this ctrl forfooth, that they may procure more authority and reverence unto the ferviceofGod among the }eople. Betides le: us confider, to what times John applieth the fentences of the old Prophets, that fo we may know, that thofe things areyet to come, which we interpret commonly as things that be already pail and gone, as alto that they are to come not onely in our heavenly Country, the happineffe whereof needeth not any mans words to amplifie it withal!, but here upon earth alío in that reftoring ofthe Iewes,which wehave fpoken. Andthe Lambe/hall be the fight thereof. This light therefore which (hall