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C. 4Revelationof the Apocalypfe. A Pat, (hall bemoficleer and bright of all other that hath been in former times, !hall not be full & perfe.4,fuch as Thal be after this life,but onlyas a Can- dle-light incóparifon therof;which is tobe noted,left perhaps we fhould reft and fit us downwhile we are in our journey travelling home-ward, as ifwe were come to our lafi upfhor, even to the heaven ofheavens. Verfe 24. And the people Whichjhall be faved. This verfe containeth the fècond outward matter that doth argue and let forth the excelleneie ofthis glorious Church of the Jewes, namely the glory that /hall come unto it from the Gentiles. The Jewes were alwayes wont to finde the Gentiles molt hateful! and fpightfull againft them in formerAges;as who laboured by all meanes poffible to annoy and to mifchiefè them; but now the cafe (hall be quite altered, the Jewes fhall have no caufe to feare any harme or wrong at the hands of the Gentiles: Yea rather they may henceforth looke for all the good from them that may be; as who !hall employ all the power they have, to encreafe, advance and extoll them.But thefenations are not al univerfally,but they are defined in acer- tain kinde ofthem;for he faith,thofe Nations which fhall be faved;which word is put in, to explaine what kinde of them !hall ivalke in the light of the Jewish Church. Thefe words are taken out of Efa.6o. 3. where the Prophet fpeaketh thus, And the Gentiles fhall vvalkZe at thy light. Now Iohn reduceth this to the Elee} among the Gentiles onely, by put- ting in this one word, left otherwife a man fhouId think the Prophet fpake generally of them all at once.Seealfohow L9hn interpreteth Efay, not laying as he cloth at thy light, but in the light thereof; for thus he Both declare the Prophets meaning very well. For to walke at or in the light, is not onely to come to the light, which a man may do,and de- part away againe prefently,defpifing it affoone as hehath once feene ir, but it is towalke according to the direction of the light; as towalke at a mans feete,is as much as to he his follower and fervanr, t Sam. 25.42. Neither can this be applyed to the heavenly Jernfalem, that the Gextiles fhall vvalke as the light ofthe Church. For then Prophecying(ball be abo- liflied,and tong es fball ceafe,andGodfl all be all inall, a Cor. i 3.8.and 15. 28.But it may be doubted how this may have place upon earth alto. For (hall this difference be then remaining in this moil; happie dominion and Kìngdomeof the Church, viz. offome of the Gentiles which are faved, and of others which are cafi awaies? It feemethindeed that there thalbe many who !halldefpife the truth fiubbornly ;For theday of the Lordfhall come at length ,as a fnareupon all that dwell on.the face ofthe vvhole earth, Luc. a a .3 5. Bat the Sons o fthe Church are not in darknejfe, thatfo that day /höui: tab them Jucidenly like a theef in the ni,-ht, i Theft, :5.4. Betides;we have heard above,ihat the haile that Jhouldfall upon men at bilge and as