C A P.111. A Rcrveldtlonofthe Apocalypfe. 875 as Weightyaz aTalent in the time of the loft Vial,fhould drive men tofpeal¿ blafphemy,Ch.16.21.And yet thefe contemners (hall have their firength fo wafted.and brought down, that they (hall be compelled to fubjeft themfelves to the Church in fpight of their hearts. And herein are Chore Prophecies ofthe Scripture fulfilled; Pfal.72. IO, I I.Efa45 !4. 49.25. 1)an.7.14. To which it (hall not be amifle to joyne the words of Sibyl, wherewith the in her prophecy hath exprefled this Idle fame matter, that fo we may help tl:e 7efuit (ifhe will ufe our help,) to come into the right Way again, out ofwhich he path wandred fo extremly wide in the i'n:erpretation of this place. Thus therefore dothSibyl Prophccy,book 3. And then the world by womens hands(hall rul'd be,and obey, . But when the widow over all the world 1hall burette [way ; And call into the fez the gold and (dyer with difdain, And caft the braffeof brittle mcn,and iron into the Mayn: Then 'hall the worldly Elerncnte, all defolate remain. In which words Sibyl foretels,that alter the death ofÁntichrift,which hathbeen opened unto us in the former Cha.the managing ofall matters through the whole worid,lhall be in the power of a womar; But what Jcind of one?flu! (hebe fuch an.one,as wecall Co properly?Nothing It (re. This woman then is the Church,the fpoufeofChrifl, which the calleth a widow,not becaufe her husband is dead,and by that means (he is depri- ved of him, as this word is wont to liignifie ufually, but for that (he is ab- fent from him,during thetime ofher Pilgrimageupon earth.For the may alfo becalled a widow, which dwelleth not with her husband in one place, whatfoever the caufe may be : or the may be called a widow,bc caufe the fate fo long defolate before her refloring,as it is in Hofea, Thou (halt abide alone many dayes,andfbalt marry to no other manfor my fake : For the people ofIfrael fhall remainedefolate many dayes,vvithout a Kin,,:-- vvithout an offering, and vvithout an image, and vvithout anEphod, and vvithout Teraphim,aftcrvvard theyfhall convert,&c. 3. 3, 4, 5. So Efay faith;So thatJbe (ballfay vvithin herfelfe,vvho halobegotten me thefe,[er- ing 1have been defolate,andfolitary,a captive and a vvanderer tooandf ro? 49.21. This is therefore thatwidow, which after the (hall have raigned likea mighty Empreffe on earth for a time, (hall at length give upher fubjeç`s tobetranflated into Heaven,whether they (hail at la(I be .remo- ved,when all this world (hall be confümed with fire. Which things be- ing fo,thefewords ofS. Iohn,are not to be underflood of the [lateof the Church,which (hall be after the refurreetion : For how can Kings bring them thitherunleifeperhaps it (ball beby building and enriching Tem- ples, by fending out Preachers into fundry Regions, and by fuppreffing the Nations that be enemies to the Faith, all which the lefuit writeth ri- diculou(ly : but did the man, trow ye, dreame waking, when be fct Ttttt down