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876 A )elätion of theApocalypfe. CAP,.21, downe filchffuffe as this, what would he have us lookand long after fuckkindofdoings as thefe, after this life? But I will not difquiet the man too much, being as tt feemeth Fick ofadanf{icall fever. Verf. z5. And the Gates thereof[hall not befïut. All danger íha11 be fo feare removed, that no than (hall be troubled with any feare thereof. There (hall be no enemy to invade the City, but theGatesthall lie open alwayes, to entertaine the new Citizens,who hhall comeflowing thither continually with great Troops; Efa.6o. a t. O happy City, that (hall en- joy fo happy,deep,and fecurepeace. For there[hall be no night there. This is a little differing from that in Efay,who fpeaketh thus, e.fndthey íh11open thy Gates continually,Which fallnot be"but by day or by night, &c. c. There is one and the fame meaning of the holy 't.îhoff in this place, onely he omitteth the mentionof the night, as which frgnifierh adverfity, and therefore is fitting to be named here in the defcription of the Churches felicity;.as if he fhould fay, The Gates í19all nevet be íhu ; For they are not wont to be flint in the day.. time,and there was no need to adde,nor-in the night time. For thereflail be no night there. Verf. z6. Andthe ,dory of the gentiles, &e. We have fpo'ken of this matter before,verf. 24. Yet is there, no idle repetition in this verle, as which doth teachus, that it (hall be the inceffant defire and careof the Gentiles, to enrich, and amplifie this City; Not becaufe they"thall bend their cares toheap up riches,and worldly advancements,; but becaufe. their good will (hall be moff acceptable,. that (hail will alwayes the beft good they canunto it;Or elfe wernay read the words as they. found thus, And they,¡ball bring theglory and thehonour oftheÇentiles unto it.That is, the IeWas therrfelves, as ifwe were now to be advertifed, howmuch they fhould prevaileby their owne ftrength, after thatit had beene fuffi- ciently fhewed what ffrength fhould accrue unto them by the bene& cence ofothers,íothat'they (hall not only be increáfed- by others, but they fhall alfo be filled with great glory, by meanesof their own riches.. and abundance. Verf.27.Nothing that defilethThal enter, -c.By this we learn that this glory ofthe Iaues f]aall remainas well intire, and undefiled :as it fhall be fecure,and free from the fearof the enemies.It commonly falleth,out,that the Rivers when they over-flowthe banks,do carry very much miry filth with them,by means whereof,the whole water becometh troubled.' So it might perhaps be feared that in this fo greát flocking, and flowingof the 9entiles,many wicked menfhould flowwith them for company,by reafon'. whereof the molt cleere Truth fhould be at length defiled with their contagion. But theholy Ghòtbids them be out offear, in this regard ; God.