C A r.2Z. ARevelationofthe Apocalypfe. 877 Godwill foprovide,that no filthy and impure thing fhal enter in,wherby the excellencyof fogreat dignity fhouldbe in the leafl manner impaired. But they that are Written. But now the eleft are not counted among thofe that be unclean,who bymeans ofChrift have no blemifh,or wrincle, or any fuch thing,Eph.5.27. Therefore we are not to tranflate it, by a note ofexception,unlee, but ofdifcretion,Tur,asYhrod.Rezahathno- ted. Unleffe we fhould refpe& the former time, as `Paul doth, fpeaking of the elect; Andfrechevery one ofyou Were, but yee areWafbed,but yee are (anllificd, i Cor,6. r i. As if it werePaid, no unclean one Gall enter into theCity,unleffe it be they who are written in the book of life,whobefore their calling were unclean, but being now fan&ified by faith in Chriff haveceafed co be foail!. CHAP. XXII. Pter he (hewed me a pure river of water of life, 4Ocleeras Chryflal,proceeding out of the Throne `of God and the Lamb. e Vier z In the midff ofthe fireet thereof,and on the ge` one and other fide ofthe river n'..s the tree oflife, Á 4` which bare twelve manner offruit,and gave fruit every moneth,and her leaves are for the health ofthe nations. 3 And there fhall he no more curie a`ainft any man : but the throne of God and of the Lamb (hall be in it,and his fer- vants (hall ferve him. 4 And they fhall fee his face,and his name thall be in their foreheads. 5 And there fhall be no night there, neither have they any need ofthe light ofa candle,nor ofthe light ofthe Sun:for the Lord Godgiveth them light:& they fhal raign for evermore. 6 Then he-faid unto me, thefe words are faithfull and true: and the Lord God of the Holy Prophets fent his Angel, to film to his fervants the things whichmuf} fhortly be fulfilled 7 Behold I come quickly. Bleffed is he that keepeth the words ofthe prophecy ofthis book. 8 And I Iohn am hee, which, have heard and Peen thefe things.And when I had heard and feen,I fel down to worfhip Ttttt z be-