678 AfPervelation ofthe Apocaiypîe. C A P.n.. before the feet of the Angel, which (hewed me there things. 9 But he Laid unto me,See thou do it not,for I am thy fellow- fervant,and ofthy brethren the Prophets,and ofthem which keep the words of this book. Worflhip God. z o After he laid unto me,Seal not the words ofthe prophe- cy ofthis book : for the time is at hand. 1r He that hurteth,let him hurt frill : and he that is filthy, let him be filthy frill : and he that is juff, let himbe jufrified frill : and he that is holy, let him be holy frill. r z And behold I come quickly : and my reward is with me, to render to every one as his work fhall be. 13 I amAlpha and Omega, thebeginning and the ending, the firfr and the lair. rq. Bleffed are they that do his commandements, that they mayhave right to the tree oflife,and many enter by the gates into the City. r 5 But without (hall be dogs, andenchanters, and whore- mongers,and murtherers, and idolaters, and whofoever lo- veth and maketh lies. 16 I Iefus fent my Angel to teflifie there things untoyou in the Churches.l am the root,and'that generation ofDavid; that bright and morning fiar. 17 And the Spirit & the bride Lay Come; and he that hea- rcth,faith Come,and let him that thirffeth,Come:and let him that will,receive ofthe water oflife freely. 18, For I tefrifie therewithall unto everyone that heareth the words ofthe prophecy ofthis book, If anyman (hall add unto thefe things; God (hall adde unto him the plagues, that are written in this hook. 19 And ifany man Thal take away ofthe words ofthe book of this prophecy,God Thal takeaway his part out ofthe book oflife,and out ofthe holy City,and from thofe thingswhich are written in this book. o He which tefrifieth there things, faith, Yea I come quickly. Amen. Even focome Lord Iefus. 2 i Thegrace ofour Lord I efts Chrifr, be with you all. Amen. T H E