813 ,XPevelationofthe Apocalypfe. CAP. 22 City manife(t unto him,in the former Chapter, v.9.io.and therefore we are not yet come to the celeftiall happinefs of the Saints,after the lait re- furrea-ion, when as we fhall not Life the help ofAngels, or ofany other Teachers. As touching this water, it is not fome (mall brook,but a river; and that not defiled and troubled,as Ni/us, but flowing withmolt pure waters,as Kidron,and Chalhiroe, that maketh glad the City of God,Pfah 45.5. Be(ìdes it is a River ofwater of life;not onely becaufe of the per- peruallnefs thereof,as which doth fpring continually with new& treat waters,of which fort is the water ofa fpring ; which is alto called living inthe Sctipture,but alfobecaufe it brings life to them that drink it,Ioh. 4.14. The River is clear as Chryfiall,far firpafling the clearnefs of other Fountains. Laftly, it comethfrom out ofthe Throne ofCod,andthe Lambe, who are the fiat head-fp rings thereof, unto whom allo it leadeth men again,as a companion, or rather it goeth before them like a Captain, as the River leadethmen to the Sea. InEzechiel, this felffarce River flow- eth out ofthe Temple and the Altar,Chap.47.r. But there is no Temple in this new Ierufalem,as hath been faid,Chap.z i. 22. And therefore the Holy Ghoft putteth the Throneof God into theplace thereof. It is not here expreffedwhither it floweth, but the Prophets teach it abundantly, namely towards the Raft,from theSouthfdeof the Altar,firil into Galilee, and into theplain,then the Watersgo int the Sea,then the Waters thereofare curedWith the Waters that are emptied into the Sea,Ezech.47.I,S. So faith joel:alfo a Fountainfhallgo out ofthe houfe ofthe Lord,& "hall Water the valley ofShittim,C.3.18.Namely the plainofMoab,where the Ifraclites committed whoredom,with the Moabitith women, Num.25. i. Zachar ie faith,ltfhall be in that day,that the Waters oflife /ball Izo out of 7erufalem, halfofthem toWard theEafl Sea,& halfofthem toward theuttermofl Sea; and /ball be both in Summer andwinter, Cha. i 4.8.ThisRiver is the molt plentifull Dottrine of Chrift,which (hall flow into the East becaufe that people being watered with the moitture thereof fhall grow up, till it flourifh at length with true life.For every living creatureWhich moveth, Whitherfoever thefeWaters come,fhall live,andtherefhallbe a multitude of fipes, and that verygreat ; For they live and arecured with the waters that come witherfoever this river cometh ; Ezech. 47.9. ForEa ech. and Iohn fpeak of the fame matters,and times,namely of the (Fate and condi- tion ofthe Church upon Earth, as thofe things may prove fefficiently which we have obferved in fo many places. Vert 2. e.fnd in the widfl of theflreet thereof. That is,the place where the whole multitude ofthe Citizens keep. For this is no fountain fealed op ; but filch as every one that hath a part in the City, hath free and full power to partakeof In this place allo cloth the tree of life grow and flourith.