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C A P.IZ. ARevelatton ofthe Apocalypfe. 88i flourífh. Etechiel mentionethmany trees. Behold, faithhe, I fall, matey trees hereand there, on the óatkofthe River; the Greeks do tranílate the Hebrewwordgners rab, dendrapolla, many trees, Trem: tranflates it gre much trees, but the greatnefs of them is not fo W noted, as their mim- e, it appears outofv. 12. where that which he calleth many trees, v. 7. he callethall manner oftrees, that bearfruit fit to eat; as if the fot- mer refpeaed rather the variety, then the largr,efs of the trees. John feemeth to fpeak colletîively ofone tree for many,as appeareth by thofe words, on either fide of the 2iver; which canot agree to one tree, unlefle here and therebe tobe joynectwith the word River,and not with the tree oflife; thus in the midit ofthe flreet thereof, and of theRiver that flow- eth on this fide and beyond, was the tree oflife, as if the tree were pla- ced in the midit,fo as the River divided into two arms fhould.embrace it on both fides ; and fo it is one tree,whereby there is a more manifefl al- lefion to the tree of life, Gen. 3. 22. and which he mentioned before, chap. 2,7. To him tisat overcommcthI Will give to eat of that treeof life, which is in the midfl ofthe Paradife of God. ,7ohn faw one tree,. becaufe all the Ele& have one common meat,offife, i Cor. io.4.Ezechielfaw many to lignifie unto us theplentiful'ftore ofMeat, which this one tree mini iìreth.This tree is'Cbri,whoisboth meat and drink to his people, that is,ámoft rich ílore-houfeofall things,which be neceffary to falvation. Bearin' twelve manner of fruits. Not one fruit twelve times, but twelve 'divers kinds offruit, that fo this one tree may Eland in room of all thofe, whiichEz.echselmentioneth. Chrifl doth impart himfelf to his deft in fogreat variety,that they can never be cloyed with him.Where.- to alfo thofe divers kinds ofoff'erings feem to belong, which were offe- red ofold, together with the facrilices, whereof force were raw, force fodden, force drie, fume with liquor, force in an oven, others in a pane others alfo were rofted,Levir.a. CertainlyChrit doth provide a remer dy a.gainft our cueafineffe, who and the fame in fruit, maketh . himfeif divers and manifold in-ta'fle. Andgivingfruit every moneth. This meat (hall never-fail, but grow- eth newevery day. Here is noneed, to lay up in harved for the refs of theyeer, but it fhall be aneverlaffing fpring, and harveflffome fruits be- ing alwaies ripe, others alwaies budding ; like the Leman tree, which ever and anon fendeth forth new Leman.ds, affoon as -.the former are fallen down with ripenef ;But were the trees fo createdat fir' ,that iffin had never entred ir,which bath brought into the word, thornes, briars, fweat of face,and difficulty ofliving, they would have fourifhed alwaies laden with their fruits? This allufìon here feerrteth to intimate force fucla ratter,and perhaps ChriPcwould never have curled the Fig-tree, that.