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C A P,22 88z ,1Revelationof the Apocalypfe. was voidoffrait, when the time ofFiggs was not come,unleflë it ought to have borne Figs at all times by the Eft nature thereof; Mar. t r.r3.But I dare not feu down any thing peremptorily touching this point, neither would I thrill my felfwillingly into this kinde ofqueftions, but to fee if I might perhaps findeout fomewhatto give light to that hard place of Scripture. And the leaves thereofferved to healthe Nation. Not as if they fhould be fed with leaves, but that they lhould be covered with the wholfom (bade thereof, or elfe bccaufe their ulcers íhall be healed with chepow_ 'er of healing, wherein the leaves (hall excell. For from hence cometh out that Balme, uvhcrewith all wounds are cured , for which noother Phyfick or Phyfician can afford any remedie, which things cannot be applied to the tall (flats of the blclled Saints, where no difference (hall be between the Gentiles, and otherpeople, neither thatl there be any place to cure wounds, when every one (hall be as an Angel of God. Verf. 3. And there fallbe no morecvrfe,C c. The fourth argument is from the perpetuity thereof,which is proved from thence, bccaufe there (hall be nothing there, wherewith this felicity can be corrupted, and fpoiled. We know that wicked and ungodly men .do pull down. the judgement ofGO& upon thofe Cities where they are inmates. There ihallbe none of this curled flampe,againft whom the fwordofexecration !hail be drawn,to cut off filch rottenmembers from the ref}ofthe Body. Notbecaufe difcipline(hall then altogether ceafe, (as which ¡hall then moft ofali flourish, as we have feen in the former Chapter ) or as if no Citizen fhould ever flip into any fin, but becaufe there ihall bee fo great watchfulnel3e of the pal}ors in reclaiming the firaying Sheep,that God lhall not need to declare his anger from heaven, as he is wo it to do,where difciplinc lieth neglefted anddefpifed. This place is taken out of Zacharie,Chap.r4. rr. Brat the Throneof God and the Lamke,d-e. This ferveth to exprefs the perpetuity of this City, becaufe God (hall not tranflate his Throne from thence to another place . We have therfore at laít foundour,whcre God will abide conflantiy all the time that (hall remain in the world after this. He hach long agoe forfaken the ancient Iernfalem, and Rome (hall makea-vain brag; that /heJba/I never bea *ids*, as Chap a 8. y. But he bath rhofen this Mount Zion,whereinhe will dwell for ever; yet left we fhould think,that this is to be attributed to the Holineflè of any place, he addeth, And hisfervants(ballferve him; as if it were Paid, Men thail not loath the truth as before, through a kinde of glutting and cloying thérarelves with it but they (hail cleave unto it, withmoll carnal de- lire ofit, confecrating themfelves, to be Gods holy and faithful! fervants for