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C A r.11. ARervelationofthe Apó .aiyp1e. 8837 for ever.This godlinef(e ofmen caufeth God to remain in fore place,not any necefiity he hath any certain habitatior,which we have feen often changed, according as the men themfelves were changed. Vert 4. And they /hallfee his face. They fhall injoy a more cleave vi lion ofGod then ever heretofore ; yet far fhort ofthat which (hall make us rejoyce at Taft as bleflèd Saints in heaven ; Theplain meaning is, that there fhall be fo great fimplicity and purity ofCods worfhip,that he !hall teem to converfe with men molt familiarly, as it were, face to face ; hee (hall alto challenge them openly for his own fervants,honouredwith his own name; And not on men only but holinefe to the LordJim!!be written even upon the Horfe Belo, and the i'c't.r in the LorL houfe, fhall be like the BoWles before the Alhar,Zach.t4.2o. He (hall take upon him the patron- age and tuitionof all matters that belong to him,even the leali that be. Verf. y: And there fall be no night there. They {hall not be affli&ed as in former ages,- neither the ll theyhave need of the lighter comforts of Candle -light, and the like matters,wf;ich they were wont to life before, but they (hall be filled withexceeding great joyout of God himfelf; they fhall neither leek e nor care for any other means of lightening and (effening the troublefomeaffairs ofthis life, 'Efa.6o.19,20. But how loth he fay that there lbal beno need ofa, èandle,when he laid before.,that the Lamb f ouldbe the light,Chap.21.23. He ïdoth not abfolutely deny that their (hall be any need of light,but that they (hall not need any other be- fides the Lamb. For the Lord God inli?hteneth then?. That i ,' ods bounty (hall be more plentifully and clearly {(hewed, then that it (hall be afcribed to any out- wardmeans.There (hall be fo great increafeofknowledge,thatmen (hall Teem to come to underftanding, not fo much by hearing theWord, as by being taught and inlpired fromGod immediately. The like fhall be the nature ofall other gifts of God,the excellencie whereof fhall far furpaffe all means which they couldufe in atchieving thern;Tn the end of the verfe, a femme of thefe three verles goingbefore is propounded in plainwords; namely,that this Kingdome of the Saints (hall be eternal!, that it (hall be begun upon earth, and (hall never be interrupted, till it;be at length tranflated into Heaven. Vert 6. Andhe raidunto me, 5-c. Hitherto we have had the Prophe- tical) Narration. Now followeth the knitting up of the Epiftle, the con- clufion of the whole Revelations; which loth briefly rehearfe force chief heads of Arguments, whereby every one may ftrengthen his minde in giving credit tinto this Prophecie,the authority whereof he findes lo we! e(hábiifhed. And indeed it is a molt behoofull Epilogue, and full of di- vine Majeftie; the Holy Ghoi knew how much this R velationwould be V u u u u negle a ed