284 ,ref evelation ofthe Apacalypfe. Cnr.z2: negletied among men, and that there wouldbe force foaudacious, as to call the credit ofit into quefkton;and therefore he ufeth more words then he is wont,to pul this fcruple,and every part of it,out of theminds ofinen. But who is this Angel that fpeaks with John now ? It feemeth he is force other thenhe that fheweth him the river of water ofLife-in the beginning of the Chapter ,or that brought the Cityunto his view. For this is thefe- venth Angel;namely,of thofe who had the.buftnefhe committed to them of executing the [even141plagues, Chap.z1.9. Whofe charge was certain, and comprehended within the bounds offomeone part:andhadnot pow- , er given over the whole Revelation. Now this confirmation is common to the whole Book,and therefore feemeth to belongto that Angel, who was fent in thebeginning,to make thefe things -knownunto John; Befdes alfo it is likely, that the Angeldoth not here utter words again withhis own voice,but that ?ohm relates thofe words in the perfon ofthe Angel, which hehad received from himbefore by his own voice.,Certainly,the heaping up ofmatters knit together without any eonjun ions copulative, or any neceffary coherence between themfelves, feemeth toprove filch an innu- meratton.Which opinion,if we follow the words,are notto be thus read, Thenhefaidunte me, which note the time of a new fpeech begun after lohnt beholdingofthe City;but thus, Andbefaiduntome;as i fit were fait', SeeingI have now fully delivered all things unto you, which have 'been revealed untome,as things to come,and tobe accomplifhed hereafter,nc- thing remaineth now, but that you do imbrace them, g ving them a moil undoubted credit in your hearts,the which,thar ye may do the more eafì- Ir,confider howholily & religioufly the Angel hath affirmeduntome,that thefe wordsare faithfull and true.Wherefore this confirmation of the An- gel, dothnot only belong to thofe things which went immediatlybefore touching the seW Ierufalem,though tht Pronoune Demonffrative is wont tobe ufed fo oftentimes,but alfo,and equally to the whole Book; fo like- wife that denouncingof judgements, which followeth, v. i 8. doth chal- lenge authority to the whole Prophecy univerfally,andBothnot labour a- bout the authority ofanv one certain parr;thefe words are repeated out of £i 9.9.and are they applyed to the words ofIohn,relating what the.Anpel had fpoken before, to make the whole Revelaton the better approved. Andthe LordCodofthe holy Prophet". The Angel did not thus pronounce, that there Words are faithful and trae, of his own mind, but by the coal- mandement and authority ofGod that fent him. The fame God that in- fpired' theold Prophers,thatthey might be able to foretell things tocome rnoft cercainly,fent this A.n el to reveal thefe things unto Johnfor the be- .hoof:of theChurch. Thefe'wordsare repeated out of Chap.i. t. Which Revelationhe gave tohim to thew to his fervants, when hePent itby his Angel,and fhewed'to his ferrvantlohrr.But youmay obferve,that this latter member