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C:AP.22. le1elatfof ofthe Apocalypfe. 885 member of the verfe is fo brought in, that it doth not obfcurelydeclare, that thefe are not the words of the Angel fpeaking now untoIohn, but of Iohn repeating the Arguments that prove this Prohpecie to bei nfp-ired fromGod. Ver.7. Behold,' come quickly. Thefe words are the teftimonyof Jefus, touching the fpeedv execution of thefe things, takenout of Chap. i. r. Whichmnft be done fhortly;and again, vcr1.3. The time is at hand ; the event ofthings immediatly to be done, fhould bring credit to thofe that were to follow after,and thereforehe mentioneth a fpeedy execution ; as if it were faid,/et every one take in each of their oWn ages,apledge,and,as it were, a furety ofthings to come, eut of the things Which heefeeth to fallout prefently: For thefe will make it good,that the things to come are no kite certain ; But as for us,who have teen the content between the event and the Prophecie,for the (pace of a thoufand and five hundred yeers; that is, ever fence the dayes ofIohn,we cannot poffibly doubt any longer touch- ing thofe few events, which yet remain to be accomplifhed. And fee, I pray you,how thefe things be heaped up one upon another, without any bands of fpeech, as it is the manner to do, in rehearfing matters ; which thingwe fpake of right now. Bleffed is be that obferveth. Here we have a confirmation of this Pro- phecie,taken from the felicity ofthole that obferve this Prophecie,which nothing can help a man unto,but the truthwhich is infpired fromGod,as we heard before,Chap.1.3.Whencethefe words are repeated. Verf8. And Iam Iohn.Herc we have a confirmation of the Prophecie, from the Miniff:ers.It muffneed be a molt certain Prophecie, of which an Angel is the Minifler,who was fo ful of glory &majefty,that the Apoffle John thought hinmfifbound to adorehim,and withal! he was fo ful ofho- lineffe,that he refufed and forbad the divine worfhiF,which Iohn offered him ; John he relates, what had happened before, Chap. 19. to. but he loth nor fall down againto adorehim,which was forbidden before. Vert. 9. Andhefaid to me. The words are, hefaith,for h e Paid, for he Both not record a new matter, but that which was pall. But it is to be obferved,that that whichhe faid before,andof thy brethren Whichhave the teftimony of Ieeits, Chap.19.10. is here brought in with other words, and ofthy brethren the Prophets,and ofthem that obferve the Words of this book, Therefore to obferve the words of this book, is to have the teftimony ofIe%us. Vert to. Seil nor, Herewehave a publifhingof this Book injovned, wherby every one hath free power to examine,and to judge of this Pro- phecie by the event. Iohn was not to keep this Prophetie for his own ufe alone,but he was to offer it to publike inquiry, whatfoever danger might Vuuuu 3 come