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CAP.12.. A iyelationoftheA.pocalypfe. 887 the ohftinacie of theReprobates. Tilde words then, are not for exhor- tation, but for confolation and admonition, that our joyful( expectation fhould not be meanes ofthofe Scandalls, feeing filch fhall bethecourfe ofmatters in the world until( the laft end. Andhe that itjawf let him be morepuftHill: that is, let him imploy him- felfe diligently in fuch works, as wherebyhe may prove himfeifto be a righteous man, both tohimfelFand toothers alto : bur he loth not fo much exhort the Saints toperfeverance,as he doth fore.fhew, that they fhall perfevere, as who being planted in the Hotffe of God, do bring forth more plenrifull fruits in their old age. Verf. r2. Andbehold I come gaickly. Though it was repeated before, ver.7.Yet it is now again beaten into ourmemory by a new repetition, becaufe it is a notable remedy against that offence which the godlymay také at the'brawny hardnefle of heart, to which God giveth over the reprobates ; as if he fhould thus fpeake unto them, as oft as the wicked- neffe of men perplexeth your minds, bethink your felves, that the corn- mingof the Lord fhall be fhort(y; He that cannot deceive, hath promi fedit, not .meafure his long tariance by your own fence, but be leeve molt undoubtedly, that it fhall not be very long ere he fulfill his promife; yea rather confider that the Lord is already prefent in thofe' things, which are dayly done in the world. Behold him even butte as may be in accomplifhing his promifes, that fo ye may not complaiine of his too great flackneffe,and,that ye maynot have the leali thought, as if the thing he hath foretold fhould not come to paffe at all. Thefe words' then havé an eiteellent coherence with thofe that went before, and they are not by any meanes to be thruft into another place : and yet if this convertingofmatters fhould not be thought fo right, we werenot to be troubled, or tomake any great ado about the confequence : the rehear fall of matters,which the holyGhoft intendeth here,may(aswe havePaid) conraine diverfe things and fundry perfons,in one compaffe and period, without any light ofbands,and tranfcitions. e Andmy reward is with me. There belong to the fame confolation . with the former,and _they .fet'beforeus the reward which (ball be given unto the faithf ull,which may hearten us against the fcandall, both ofthe felicity of the wicked, as alfo of thofe troubles, which the Saints feele by grievous experience in the meane while : God is juu, and it cannot be, butthat it mull gowell with the good, and ill with the wicked at laft,as it hath beene lhewed,in this felf fame Book exprefly,. Chap.13'.to. and'. 14.13.As alto, by event throughout the Book;fpoken byhis own mouth. I am A and O. Thefc are the words ofChrift,not fpoken by his own perfon in this place, but relatedby lohn. And they ferve to confirm this Pro-