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28 A Rervelation ofthe Apocalyple. CAP .22. Propheciefrom the eternity of Chrift,or rather fromhis poWer,as wehave interpreted them before. He that is eternall,or he that gavea 6evcnnin7 to all things, and therefore can lei an end unto them againe at his-pleafure, why Ibould we not beleeve himwhen he pronounceth ought of things to come,afwell as if they were alreadypaff ?chap.1.8. Verf. 14. Blefed are they which keepe his Commandments.Thefe words pertaine to the authority of Chriit that giveth witneire, as who maketh themblefled that givecredit to his witneffe. This is he chat hath power over the tree of life, of which he maketh thofe men happy partakers, that obey him,Chap.a.7. and ver.z. of this Chap. Becaufe he granted them a right to enter into the City by the Gates,by which alone the paf- fige lyeth open, feeing the wall is fo high,that it cuts offall hope of get- ting over it, chap. 21.17. Verf. 15. But Without Jball be dogs. That is men of a dogged impuden- cie andmalicioufneffe, that love to be ever barking and fpendingtheir rancor againft thebeft things.It!hall be a great part ofour happinefle,to be exempted from all convening among thefe doggedwretches. Touch- ing the reft of this turfed crew, that that! be fhut out, fee Cha. a 1.8. Verf 16. 17efw havefent my Angel. Here we have a confirmation out of the open teftimony oflefus bimfelf, which is not uttered forth in this place with his own voyce,but with Iohns,and is repeatedout of chap. i. r. Chrift Bothnever make any fpeech through this book in his own Perron, without force fignification ofhis glorious Majeffie,whereby he teffiñeth his glorious prefence. That bright morning Star. The morningStar is molt lightfome, and fheweth that the day followeth immediately after, fo Chrift fhineth out molt brightly unto the faichtiull in this life, being alfo unto them than be- hold and enjoy him,a pledgeofa greater and more glorious brightneffe, which they Mall be made partakers ofby him and with hint, and that forthwith. But betides alto he fhineth unto them at firft through force firft fruits ofhis truth, which he revealeth unto them, being to beftow upon them a plentiful! meafure thereoff}raightwayes. This commenda- tion of Chrift is repeated out of Chap.2. z8. Whereyou may fee in thefe words explained more fully. Ver. 17. Andthe Spirit and the Bride fay, -c. Thefe words containe a confirmation taken from the with anddefine of thofe that be fan6tified, who long after nothing in this world more eagerly, then to fee there things confammated, whereof this Book putteth them in hope: For as the Souks tinder the Altar cryed With a loWdvojce, defiring their deliverance, the faithful leap for joy,in that Godhath given them hope of their future Mariage, and that maketh them deire foex- ceeding