CAP.22. A 1 e,r-velation o, f the Apocalypse. 886 cceding greatly tohave that day haftened, Chap. i9. 7. For the Spirits here figntfierh each of the faithful!, in whom the Spirit dwelleth, the Bride fìgnifies the whole Church, and multitude of the faithful!. The longingdefres ofall the faithfull, both feverally and joyntiy, do ftrive together by prayer with the Lord, to accomplilh this one thing onely. And that earneft deliireand requeft which is kindled by Gods Spirit cannot be fruftrate. 4nd let him that hearethfay,Comr. As if he fhould fay; that this is not onely the requeft ofthe prefent Church, but ofthat alto which tha!l be propagated every day,unto the lift end; every one of the elea, affion as he (hall come to the knowledge of thefe things, 1ha11 be inflamed with the felt-fame defire,which his fore- fathers in their time expreffed. And let him that is a thirfl come. Thefe words Chew that this Prophe- cie doth not onely ferve to inflame our minds, but to replenish them with joy to their full contentment;which is the peculiar property of the Word ofGod. And that nothing might be wanting to eitablilh the cer- tainty ofthis Boo k,you may undoftand by the words that follow in the end-ofthe verle, that this P;'ophefieputs men in hope of Salvation, by making them cxpet it not as a juft wages of workes, but through the meere grace and mercy of Cod; He Both pròclaime life and Salvation freely, and not as adue debt to the merits ofour workes in like manner as doth all the reft of Holy Aworthy and excellent touch- [hone whereby to try and rinde out the heavenly Tiuih. Verf. t S. 19. DoubtleJe l protefl, e-c. Hitherto wehave hada repe- tition of the former teftimonies and arguments, which were Lid down fcatteringly in thewhole Book goingbefore. NowMorin brings in fame new matter, but yet that which is of the fame divine Authority with the former, namely that this Prophecie is molt certaine and holy, which a man mutt not dare to violate sn the leaft manner, either by adding or detrafting,unleffe he will defperately rufhupon extreame punifhments. Whkh threatning,feeing it is annexed onely to that\'Yord-which corn- meth from heaven, this Book of the Revelation muff needs be put into fame rank,Deut. 4. 2. and 12.32. Verf. 20. He Which teffifieth thefe things, faith: that is, Chriit hitnfelf, who is called that witneffe, both in refpec of the Gofpell, which hee brought into the world, as anofhis Prophecie, which relyeth uponhis Authority alone. And laft ofall, the whole matter is Pealed, both by his. Teftimonie that is repeated, and by Johns fervent requtft. Verf. 21. The .grace ofes&Lord. This is- the ufuall fárme of (hutting up-the holy Epiftlesof theApodfles, ofwhich nature his wholeProphe- cíeis, which was fent unto the fevenChurches by the Commandement ofdrift 11. COMB LORD- 'ÌE.SVS.