Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

Gory andThanksbe given to God evermore, Amen. TGive thee thanks (O ,Almighty and everlaftingGod) that though Ibe a: blind,unskilf ll,and Wretched man,that hath no judgement, no wit at all, yet thou haft ofthy meere mercyfir Chrifls fake, condultedme through this anpaffable WildernefJ'e, haft made me able to view many clo(e corners nor- roWly on every fide, and haft made me travel' fafely through the dens .of the Dragon andWilde Bcalls. Evento (OFather,[sich ¿ thy goodwill;' -thou choofeft the unnebleand obfcureones of the World, and haft eftsbliflied flrengthout ofthe mouth ofbabes andfucklings,that fo no flefh might boaft. FIoW incomprehcnfbleisthy wifdom,hoW admirable zs thy truth? howjuft 'andholy be all thy Wayes! Who Would natfeare thee ? IWould Willingly tell firth thy praifes, but my tongueWantethWords, my Wards Want undrftan_ -ding : which Wayfoever my minge can turn itfelf, it isfWallowed up of thy infinitneffe; Ifit afcend into heaven, thou art higher then it, ¡fit think, upon thyWor/r,thou art greater then they; Ifit meditateon thy holineffe,thou art purer then the Sun it/elf. O huge depth,and unmeafurablegulf without bot- -tom, hoW doll thou compa(fe ru on everyfade, andyet thou artno Wherecom- prehended thyfelf ! what mortal' eye is there that cannot be ouerWhelmed with the infinite briohtneffe thereof Therefore my dim fight sloth turn itfelf fromthis light thatcannot be approachedto, that itmay behold thee, through the Cloud, ofthe Creatures ; above all, itdoth much delight to contemplate thy moft amiablecountenance in thybleffedSon. Yet as thouart molt vifible in thisglaffe, [o thouart maß admirable, as far exceeding all ourunderftan- ding as thoudofffubmit thyfelfloWeft andneereft unto ourfenfe. Thou art great O,Lord above all that can be either (t'oken or thought,make au toreve- rence thy infinitenefre, Which the Worldcannot containe,topare thypretence Which our eyescannot behold to adore thy Maje(tie, in refj.ett whereof the ttniverfall World, With all the creatures herebelow, are lef fe then nothing t® magnifae thy bountifulnefe, which thoufheWeFt plentifully uponus that are molt unWorthy men. Accomplifh at length thygreat myftery, c let the World ácknoWledge,that thy long tariance hathproceededfrom thy mercy only, and notfrom any forgetfulnes, or carelefnesofthy promiré.`Deflroy that Besft àfRome,and.Dragon ofCoil}antinople: Buildup thy New Ierufalem,iu Which Chrafl(ball raign,Wherinalfö the Saints fbai have dominion together With him ,thatfo they may enjoy a bleffed kingdom.for a time uponearth,and a molt happy and eternal' one With thee in the heavens. Hoare us gracioufly Ö FatherfromWhom no thought ofour heart can be hiddeat;draW. neer With thy prefence, Whoart ab[entno Where,e do thougrant our holy defres,Which thou_haft made Way for With thy decree, andlet rt fianniná. With-this revealed Revelation:thenThal We make ready our h. arps,ffngprai unto thee,ma?- nifying thee,one Godin three Perfons,Father, Son, and H. Ghoft; to Whom be all honour,laud andglory throughout all ages, andfor evermore, Amenn. F ITT I S. ;