C8.94 )' and generallrefurretlion, properly focalled, which without all. doubt, both in matterand time,doth fall in together with their deliverance,inv: r Behold then-after the PA's three loft enemies beutterly overthrown;that is to fay, The Romane Empire, which is called the King,Cap,i 1.36. and is described by his-properties, ver.37 38:39. and theSaracens, whom he noteth and nameth, The King of the South,ver.4o. and laffly,theTurkifh Empire (filed with the title of the Kingof the Norrh,v.4o. &c. Behold, I fay,a plain and deer pourtraiture ofthe Iews vocation, not onely under- taken and begun,v.44.45. but confiiminate and perfed,c, r 2. I,2,3. 111 ere it (hall be made manifcft (I think)without obfcurity. That the refurre- dion there,is the full reftoring of the Iewifh Nation, out of the duff of deffyulon, and their calling to the faith in Chrift, whereby thofe that are dead in fin,are truly railed sup againe,according to that of the Apoftle, Ifthe carting. aW ey ofthem be the reconciling, ofthe*orld,What(hall the re- ceivirgofthem be,bsilifefrom the dead, Rom- . I I.15 . And that the minds of good men may the leffe be difsuieted, in the expectation of fo great a felicity and happinelfe. Lo, the very times of this deliverance opened to thee,as well ofit begun, when tidings out of the Eaft (h.:11 trouble theTaark,v.y. and I r. as when fulfilled, when the Turkifh name and Empire both,ihall be utterly abolished. The greatneffe oftheKingdomes under the whole heaven, (hall be given to the people of the Saints of the mofthigh, verf. z 2. True it is indeed,that almoft all there. things are otherwife,carried,"and appliedby Interpreters,very well deferving-of the Church: but truth is ever well accepted,and entertained. Lib. i.,de ofthe ingenuous,, to which nonecan prefcribe a rule, or overrule, not Virgin. face of times of patronage (or authority) of perfons,as Tertalli.tn fpeaks Ylen.c,i . Well. Yea, ifa fcandall be taken or arife becaufe of the truth it is more dIb.ár profitable, topermit the fcandall, then that. thetruth fhould be left. He bitr.3. Both fparingly refute other mens opinions, but mildly, after his manner alwaies, where they prejudice and hinder the truth. The Conrroverfe is. chiefly-concerning Antiochats,whom he endeavou- reth.to- proove byá multitudeofweighty reafoñs. Thathe muff ofnecef- fity, be excluded out of every particle of this Prophxie, which he hath here undertaken to handle. Affiredly, he bringeth admirable light, to the right under(( anding ofthe whole Prophecie of Daniel. Weighing then all things in an equall ballance, lay a part all prejudice againft the truth difcovered, and pray earneftty with me, That the Deliverer may come out ofSion, who may utterly overthrow his enemies, the I?éaff, with Gag and M.zgog, and that he may throughly turn away ungodlineffe from Jacob. FareWeh'. The.: