(895) -XVVV.V" The Tranflator to his Chriftian Friends in Dent, Suffolk, and elfewhere, wi.fheth all, health and happineffehcre,and hereafter. Have been often requefiedta translate Mr. Bright- man upon Daniel,and the Canticles, into Engiifh,as he is already upon the Revelation. 1 have at length yeelded to do one, being but fhort,andpithy ; leaving the other tofuch as have morefore of gifts, and lei- fare, for reafèns bell knoWn to myfelf, Which Imuß crave alfo,to keep unto myfell: although, I confe fe, I Would be glad, that all our English Churches, Jhould enjoy the be- nefit ofthe godly andlearned labours offacha Worthy Englithman(nay, What if Ishouldray, an Engli(h Prophet, as font, learned beyond the Seas havefliled him) foras our blefed Saviourfaith, (and it Was his oWn lot,andportion) AProphet is not without honour,but inhis own Countrey, and among his own kindred, Marc. 6.4. 1 havefern both,indeed, Jefuits and Lutherans abroad,and alfo Pro- teflants at home, both in pulpitsanetin private, barking, and carping, again fË this excellent andWorthy man ; but I[pare, andpity them, not any of them able to do, orfpeake, as bee bath done,astdfpoken,and many ofthem not Worthy to carry his books after him.. It is. far more eafie to carpat a Worthy writer, then tocompile ahooklike hii5 let them either mendhis, Which Will bea hard taskfar them,fpeak,beteer, or hold their peace: He Was indeed,one ofa thoufand,Qreat and graciousmanyWayes,both in life and learning, dum ea doFnit qua: fecit, & ea fecit,quæ.docuit,& verba vertebat in opera. He taught, in thathe didpratlife, and did pratlife that°he'tau-ht,andfo turned-Words into Works. HeWas agreat Artift,and agreat i:inguit}.-Hehadgoodskill inall Arts and Tongues, needfullfor a compleat-Divine, even in (Owl alto, (vocali mufick, being the belt) till his moreweighty fludies calledhim from the maidens, to Divinity their Miflref fe, Whereinhe excelledandshined above manyof hisfellaWes,all that then lived With him in Q.,Colledge in Cambridge, , Whereof