(896) tvherecfhe Was a fellol>>,do very Well knout. Hee Joined every Way, and Wasa Brightman indeed, anf*erable to hisname, Periphanes `o aner., vir fplendicius,a Brighrman,in his lifeJhininn to all that converted With him, and in his deep learning, and knowledge, fhining to all that heard hre learned Catechizing, common places, and Le Lures in the Col- iedge,erhie Sermons in the countrey to Bedfordlhire. Aquila non capitmufcas. Eagle_like he foareth aloft, catching no flier, butgreat and highmatters; beedoth not With the Lamb, Wade in theJhaltolres, obvious,andplain places, but with theElephant,he(Wins_ meth, andhelps other tofwim fafely,over the deepefl,anddark!/ places ofthe Whole Canonical,' Scriptures, as Johns revelation, Salomon fog, andDaniels obfcuref vifton, inChap.' i.' z. Some may thinkbedid, altum fapere, andbear toohigh, abovehie reach,andcapacity ; and therefore he, theAu1Irian Lutheran, applyeth the fpeechof Feat's to Paul, Ate. 24. to him untruly, but thole that did Well knowhim, and tiegreat meafureof meeknefe, andhumility that Godhadgraced him Withal!, Would not think, that he did, 'uperphro- rnein par coDei phronein, 'ally phronein 'eis to fophronein, as,the Apoftle faithvery elegantly, in that elogitent exhortation, Rom:' 2.3. Timm humilitatis, fummum divinitatis. The depth of humility, is the height of `Divinity : the lo*er:inour (elves, thehigher WithClod, as himfelfefpeaketh, Efay 57:15. though hebe high,and Iofty,anddWelleth in the high and holy place, yet hee Will dtavell alto With the contrite and humbleft Ogirit, andunto fuch Will bee be aguide, and teach them hit *ayes andcounfels, Pfal. 25. 9. ' 4. end therefore, I do not doubt, but -godrevealed much untohim,and let him fee agreat deal more into thefemyJicall,anddarkpaffáges, then many other ofhis dearefervents, that .fo he might reveal, andopen them to ethers : for as hefreely received,fo thee freely gave. But Whither Will my love carryme ? I refrain: bù oWnWork! (hall praifehim abundantly ; Which, becaufe being inLatin, thegrtatefi part ofour countrymen do not under./land. I have made his!hart expofitaonof Daniel tofpeakEnglifh unto them,that none may be deprivedofthe be- nefit ofhisgodly labours. It ispity,fuck a bri_ghtJhininZ candle, fhould beput under the bedor bnl7iel, but to bee fit-p, at all may fee, and enjoy the light thereof Mat. 5. 15. He bath"; cleared that point of the jewes vocation, Which the Apo(#le calleth, abathos, Rom. 1'.33. into thefe latter times, af- ter the overthrow of their daft, andgreaatef .enemy ; the Turks, as I have not teen in any Writer the lihke. 'Flee vcth beyond theflrairs, and ateaing